Quotes 741 till 760 of 5418.
Basically, there are two things we know: Everybody has less time, and the general public is demanding better food - better in terms of quality and better in terms of flavor.
Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.
Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative place where no one else has ever been.
Be careful about Burma. Most people cannot remember whether it was Siam and has become Thailand, or whether it is now part of Malaysia and should be called Sri Lanka.
Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
Be not deceived, Wormwood, our cause is never more in jeopardy than when a human, no longer desiring but still intending to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe in which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys.
The Screwtape Letters (1942) -
Be willing to have it so. Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.
Beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever.
Beauty is all very well at first sight; but whoever looks at it when it has been in the house three days?
Beauty is an outward gift, which is seldom despised, except by those to whom it has been refused.
Because her instinct has told her, or because she has been reliably informed, the faded virgin knows that the supreme joys are not for her; she knows by a process of the intellect; but she can feel her deprivation no more than the young mother can feel the hardship of the virgin's lot.
Because I've been so blessed with a background in nursing and spent so much time with patients at a really intimate, vulnerable time in their lives, the one lesson I've learned is that you never turn down a challenge where you can keep your creative integrity and your heart and soul and your sense of self.
Because of Christianity the West has missed many things, and one of them is meditation, the rarest flowering of a human being, because they have made it equivalent to contemplation. Contemplation is thinking. Meditation is no-thinking.
Because of the accumulation of objects, things are never quite the way I want them to be. There has always been a lack of, well, clarity.
Because of the fact that we've been through so much, we're going to appreciate every step of being parents. I think we're going to savor it and cherish it and we're going to be the best parents we can be.
Because religion has such a compelling hold on the deep psyches of so many people, feminists cannot afford to leave it in the hands of the fathers.
Laughter of Aphrodite: reflections on a journey to the goddess (1987) -
Because there are so many shows on and because I've been so hands-on - I've had a piece on almost every single week - I don't know how to cut back on that. You really can't.
Because they did not see merit where they should have seen it, people, to express their regret, will go and leave a lot of money to the very people who will be the first to throw stones at the next person who has anything to say and finds a difficulty in getting a hearing.
Been in this game one-hundred years, but I see new ways to lose 'em I never knew existed before.
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