Quotes 1 till 20 of 524.
A great part of courage is the courage of having done the thing before.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
Prosperity depends more on wanting what you have than having what you want.
Show me one thing here on earth which has begun well and not ended badly. The proudest palpitations are engulfed in a sewer, where they cease throbbing, as though having reached their natural term: this downfall constitutes the heart's drama and the negative meaning of history.
The effect of having other interests beyond those domestic works well. The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one's appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship.
Are we having a relationship, or just doing research on each other?
As an actor, you can steer a scene in another direction by playing it a little differently. And honestly? I like being an actor, and I want to keep having a career.
Business is not just doing deals; business is having great products, doing great engineering, and providing tremendous service to customers. Finally, business is a cobweb of human relationships.
Children also have artistic ability, and there is wisdom in there having it! The more helpless they are, the more instructive are the examples they furnish us; and they must be preserved free of corruption from an early age.
Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge. It's the sure footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life.
Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own.
Experience, as a desire for experience, does not come off. We must not study ourselves while having an experience.
For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice - no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service.
I remember once having to stop performing when I thought an elderly man a few rows back from the front was actually going to die because he was laughing so hard.
Intolerance is the ''Do Not Touch'' sign on something that cannot bear touching. We do not mind having our hair ruffled, but we will not tolerate any familiarity with the toupee which covers our baldness.
Love consists not in feeling great things but in having great detachment and in suffering for the Beloved.
St. John of the Cross
Spanish mystic, a Roman Catholic saint, a Carmelite friar and a priest (1542 - 1591) -
Maybe the only thing worse than having to give gratitude constantly is having to accept it.
Most successful men have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity that was at hand.
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