Quotes with hoping

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  • Arthur Schopenhauer A man's delight in looking forward to and hoping for some particular satisfaction is a part of the pleasure flowing out of it, enjoyed in advance. But this is afterward deducted, for the more we look forward to anything the less we enjoy it when it comes.
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    German philosopher (1788 - 1860)
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  • Ben Vereen As I laid in the hospital bed I started thinking that I had a show to do. I was hoping the Doctor would put me together so I could do the show.
    Ben Vereen
    American actor, dancer and singer (1946 - )
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  • Buchi Emecheta I came to England in 1962 as a very young bride, in my teens, hoping just to stay two years and go back.
    Buchi Emecheta
    Nigerian-born British novelist (1944 - 2017)
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  • Alexander Pope I find myself... hoping a total end of all the unhappy divisions of mankind by party-spirit, which at best is but the madness of many for the gain of a few.
    Alexander Pope
    English poet (1688 - 1744)
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  • Albert Camus If there is sin against life, it consists… in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.
    Albert Camus
    French writer, essayist and Nobel Prize winner in literature (1956) (1913 - 1960)
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  • Ursula K. Le Guin In the tale, in the telling, we are all one blood. Take the tale in your teeth, then, and bite till the blood runs, hoping it's not poison; and we will all come to the end together, and even to the beginning: living, as we do, in the middle.
    Ursula K. Le Guin
    American writer of science fiction and fantasy books (1929 - 2018)
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  • Barack Obama Now, anybody who thinks that we can move this economy forward with just a few folks at the top doing well, hoping that it's going to trickle down to working people who are running faster and faster just to keep up, you'll never see it.
    Barack Obama
    American politician (1961 - )
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  • Alice Walker She say, Celie, tell the truth, have you ever found God in church? I never did. I just found a bunch of folks hoping for him to show. Any God I ever felt in church I brought in with me. And I think all the other folks did too. They come to church to share God, not find God.
    Alice Walker
    American Author, Critic (1944 - 1982)
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  • Barry Diller The American public tunes in every night hoping to see two people screwing. Obviously, we can't give them that but let's always keep it in mind.
    Barry Diller
    American businessman (1942 - )
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  • Bastian Schweinsteiger The English have a special sense of humour. This I immediately experienced in the dressing room. As I walked with two plates while eating, suddenly a team-mate asked me, 'Basti, what time is it?' hoping I would automatically turn my hand to look at my watch. That's quite entertaining.
    Bastian Schweinsteiger
    German professional footballer (1984 - )
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  • Anne Morrow Lindbergh The only real security is not in owning or possessing, not in demanding or expecting, not in hoping, even. Security in a relationship lies neither in looking back to what it was, nor forward to what it might be, but living in the present and accepting it as it is now.
    Anne Morrow Lindbergh
    American Author (1906 - 2001)
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  • William Trogdon There are two kinds of adventurers: those who go truly hoping to find adventure and those who go secretly hoping they won t.
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  • Philo of Alexandria Those who give hoping to be rewarded with honor are not giving, they are bargaining.
    Philo of Alexandria
    Greek Jewish philosopher (20 - 50)
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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton
    English writer (1874 - 1936)
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  • Ronald Reagan To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.
    Ronald Reagan
    American politician and actor (1911 - 2004)
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  • René Daumal Truth is one, but error proliferates. Man tracks it down and cuts it up into little pieces hoping to turn it into grains of truth. But the ultimate atom will always essentially be an error, a miscalculation.
    René Daumal
    French writer, philosopher and poet (1908 - 1944)
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  • John Osborne What are we hoping to get out of it, what's it all in aid of - is it really just for the sake of a gloved hand waving at you from a golden coach?
    John Osborne
    English playwright, screenwriter and actor (1929 - 1994)
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  • Bruno Mars What I'm hoping is that every album I'm going to do will give my audience something different, and that they'll grow as I do.
    Bruno Mars
    American singer, songwriter, record producer and dancer (1985 - )
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  • Friedrich von Schiller What the inner voice says will not disappoint the hoping soul.
    Friedrich von Schiller
    German poet and playwright (1759 - 1805)
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  • Bruce Robinson When I was writing 'Withnail,' I was so busted flat that I had one lightbulb that I would carry around the house with me. I mean, really. No furniture, no money, and I was hoping to be an actor, but I could never get a job.
    Bruce Robinson
    English actor, director and novelist (1946 - )
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