Quotes 1 till 20 of 27.
Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.
Wise men profit more from fools than fools from wise men; for the wise men shun the mistakes of fools, but fools do not imitate the successes of the wise.
Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate.
Courage and modesty are the most unequivocal of virtues, for they are of a kind that hypocrisy cannot imitate; they too have this quality in common, that they are expressed by the same color.
Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.
Example has more followers than reason. We unconsciously imitate what pleases us, and approximate to the characters we most admire.
Good painters imitate nature, bad ones spew it up.
However much we guard ourselves against it, we tend to shape ourselves in the image others have of us. It is not so much the example of others we imitate, as the reflection of ourselves in their eyes and the echo of ourselves in their words.
I don't want life to imitate art. I want life to be art.
Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life's cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another you have only an extemporaneous half possession.
It is not so much the example of others we imitate as the reflection of ourselves in their eyes and the echo of ourselves in their words.
Kings in this should imitate God, their mercy should be above their works.
Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television.
Man's natural character is to imitate; that of the sensitive man is to resemble as closely as possible the person whom he loves. It is only by imitating the vices of others that I have earned my misfortunes.
That's his style of hitting . If you can't imitate him, don't copy him.
The end of learning is to know God, and out of that knowledge to love Him and imitate Him.
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