Quotes with inevitable

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  • James Russell Lowell There is no good arguing with the inevitable. The only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat.
    James Russell Lowell
    American Romantic poet, critic, editor, and diplomat (1819 - 1891)
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  • Babe Paley All anger is not sinful, because some degree of it, and on some occasions, is inevitable. But it becomes sinful and contradicts the rule of Scripture when it is conceived upon slight and inadequate provocation, and when it continues long.
    Babe Paley
    American socialite and style icon (1915 - 1978)
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  • Laurence J. Peter Political success is the ability, when the inevitable occurs, to get credit for it.
    Laurence J. Peter
    Canadian educator and hierarchiologist (1919 - 1990)
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  • Lee Simonson Any event, once it has occurred, can be made to appear inevitable by a competent historian.
    Lee Simonson
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  • Chuck Noll A life of frustration is inevitable for any coach whose main enjoyment is winning.
    Chuck Noll
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  • Ben Gibbard A lot of the material is about the inevitable disappointment people feel as they move through life, and things don't feel the way they expect. No experience will ever match up to the idealized version in your mind.
    Source: The Meaning Of Life
    Ben Gibbard
    American singer, songwriter and guitarist (1976 - )
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  • Raymond Chandler At least half the mystery novels published violate the law that the solution, once revealed, must seem to be inevitable.
    Raymond Chandler
    American writer (1888 - 1959)
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  • Joseph A. Schumpeter Bureaucracy is not an obstacle to democracy but an inevitable complement to it.
    Joseph A. Schumpeter
    Austrian-American economist (1883 - 1950)
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  • Robert C. Gallagher Change is inevitable-except from a vending machine.
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  • Adlai Stevenson II Change is inevitable. Change for the better is a full-time job.
    Source: Speech Miami, Florida, september 1956
    Adlai Stevenson II
    American politician and governor (1900 - 1965)
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  • Benjamin Disraeli Change is inevitable. Change is constant.
    Benjamin Disraeli
    English statesman and writer (1804 - 1881)
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  • Barbara Sher Change is not only likely, it's inevitable.
    Barbara Sher
    American speaker, lifestyle coach, and author (1935 - 2020)
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  • Bhagavad Gita Death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead. Therefore grieve not for what is inevitable.
    Bhagavad Gita
    Indian Hindu storybook
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  • Nelson Mandela Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.
    Source: Documentary Mandela (1994)
    Nelson Mandela
    South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and political leader (1918 - 2013)
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  • Henri-Frédéric Amiel Every life is a profession of faith, and exercises an inevitable and silent influence.
    Henri-Frédéric Amiel
    Swiss philosopher and poet (1821 - 1881)
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  • Bill Ayers Every revolution seems impossible at the beginning, and after it happens, it was inevitable.
    Bill Ayers
    American elementary education theorist (1944 - )
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  • Ann Landers Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and repeat to yourself, the most comforting words of all; this, too, shall pass.
    Ann Landers
    American columnist (1918 - 2002)
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  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Fame comes only when deserved, and then is as inevitable as destiny, for it is destiny.
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    American poet (1807 - 1882)
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  • Natalie Clifford Barney Fatalism is the lazy man's way of accepting the inevitable.
    Natalie Clifford Barney
    American-born French author (1876 - 1972)
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  • Buzz Aldrin I think it's inevitable that there will be Earthlings establishing a presence on Mars. And I would say that it would certainly take place by 2050 or shortly thereafter.
    Buzz Aldrin
    American former astronaut, engineer and fighter (1930 - )
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