Quotes with invading

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  • Alan Colmes Genius, scholar, and war hero though he is, you have to admit - or maybe you should think about admitting - that George Bush might have rushed things a little in invading Iraq.
    Alan Colmes
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  • Bill Cosby I guess the real reason that my wife and I had children is the same reason that Napoleon had for invading Russia: it seemed like a good idea at the time.
    Source: Bill Cosby on Fatherhood
    Bill Cosby
    American actor, comedian, producer (1937 - )
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  • Bill Richardson The President, in talking about freedom and democracy, is sparking a wave of very positive democratic sentiment that might help us override both Islamic fundamentalism that has formed in that region, and also some of the hatred for our policies of invading Iraq.
    Bill Richardson
    American politician, author, and diplomat (1947 - )
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