Quotes with invented

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  • Richard Buckminster Fuller I just invent, then wait until man comes around to needing what I've invented.
    Richard Buckminster Fuller
    American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, and inventor (1895 - 1983)
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  • Luis Bunuel In the name of Hypocrites, doctors have invented the most exquisite form of torture ever known to man: survival.
    Luis Bunuel
    Spanish director (1900 - 1983)
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  • Bruce Catton Say this for big league baseball - it is beyond any question the greatest conversation piece ever invented in America.
    Bruce Catton
    American historian and journalist (1899 - 1978)
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  • Carole Bouquet A man can't pass on, like a mother could, an awareness of your body, or sensuality, or what it means to be a woman. I was never taught what femininity was. I learnt it - or rather I invented it - on my own. I tended not to talk at all, if people were staring at me.
    Carole Bouquet
    French actress and fashion (1957 - )
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  • Camille Paglia All the genres of philosophy, science, high art, athletics and politics were invented by men. But by the Promethean law of conflict and capture, woman has a right to seize what she will and vie with man on her own terms.
    Source: Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson (1990)
    Camille Paglia
    American academic and social critic (1947 - )
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  • Jimmy Carter America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense... human rights invented America.
    Jimmy Carter
    American statesman, 39e President (1924 - )
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  • Barbara Ehrenreich Anyone who has invented a better mousetrap, or the contemporary equivalent, can expect to be harassed by strangers demanding that you read their unpublished manuscripts or undergo the humiliation of public speaking, usually on remote Midwestern campuses.
    Barbara Ehrenreich
    American author and political activist (1941 - 2022)
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  • Auberon Waugh Anyone wishing to communicate with Americans should do so by e-mail, which has been specially invented for the purpose, involving neither physical proximity nor speech.
    Auberon Waugh
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  • William Somerset Maugham Art is merely the refuge which the ingenious have invented, when they were supplied with food and women, to escape the tediousness of life.
    William Somerset Maugham
    English writer (1874 - 1965)
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  • Calvin Trillin As far as I'm concerned, 'whom' is a word that was invented to make everyone sound like a butler.
    Calvin Trillin
    American journalist, humorist, food writer and poet (1935 - )
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  • Coleman Dowell Being is a fiction invented by those who suffer from becoming.
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  • Arne Jacobsen But inspiration? - That's when you come home from abroad and are asked: Well, have you found inspiration? - and fortunately you haven't. But the impressions sink in, of course, and may emerge later: None of us has invented the house; that was done many thousands of years ago.
    Arne Jacobsen
    Danish architect and designer (1902 - 1971)
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  • Bill Buford Cable made the Food Network possible. It was invented in 1993 by Reese Schoenfeld, a co-founder of CNN, who was convinced that its natural audience was women - millions of them.
    Bill Buford
    American author and journalist
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  • Henry Miller Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not yet understood.
    Henry Miller
    American writer (1891 - 1980)
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  • David Lloyd George Diplomats were invented simply to waste time.
    David Lloyd George
    Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1916 to 1922 (1863 - 1945)
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  • Simone Weil Every perfect life is a parable invented by God.
    Simone Weil
    French philosopher (1909 - 1943)
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  • Caitlin Moran Flyaway, problem hair is the enemy of feminism, and was probably invented by the Man to crush Susan Sontag.
    Caitlin Moran
    English journalist, author, and broadcaster (1975 - )
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  • Francis Picabia God invented concubinage, Satan marriage.
    Francis Picabia
    French painter and poet (1879 - 1953)
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  • C. S. Lewis God made us: invented us as a man invents an engine. A car is made to run on petrol, and it would not run properly on anything else. Now God designed the human machine to run on Himself.
    Source: Mere Christianity (1952)
    C. S. Lewis
    Irish novelist and poet (1898 - 1963)
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  • Dame Edith Sitwell Good taste is the worst vice ever invented.
    Dame Edith Sitwell
    British poet (1887 - 1964)
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