Quotes with irritate

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  • Shailer Mathews An epigram is a half-truth so stated as to irritate the person who believes the other half.
    Shailer Mathews
    American theologian (1863 - 1941)
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  • E. M. Forster I have only got down on to paper, really, three types of people: the person I think I am, the people who irritate me, and the people I'd like to be.
    E. M. Forster
    English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist (1879 - 1970)
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  • Susan Scott The truth will set you free - but first it may thoroughly irritate you.
    Susan Scott
    American self-help writer
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All irritate famous quotes and sayings you will always find on greatest-quotations.com

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