Quotes with items

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  • Bernard Bailyn The full bibliography of pamphlets relating to the Anglo-American struggle published in the colonies through the year 1776 contains not a dozen or so items but over four hundred;
    Source: The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution FOREWORD, p. v
    Bernard Bailyn
    American historian, author, and academic (1922 - 2020)
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  • Brandon Sanderson ... imaginary things were often the only items of real substance in people's lives.
    Source: Warbreaker (2009) Lightsong the Bold
    Brandon Sanderson
    American author of epic fantasy and science fiction (1975 - )
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  • Barton Seaver By thinking through the grilling process while still in the kitchen, you can easily gather all of the items that you might need and conveniently carry them to the outdoors area.
    Barton Seaver
    American author and chef (1979 - )
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  • Buzz Aldrin I have no intention of selling any more of the historical Apollo 11 items in my possession for the remainder of my life. I intend to pass a portion of these items on to my children and to loan the most important items for permanent display in suitable museums around the country.
    Buzz Aldrin
    American former astronaut, engineer and fighter (1930 - )
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  • Alan Coren I wonder sometimes if manufacturers of foolproof items keep a fool or two on their payroll to test things.
    Alan Coren
    English humourist, writer and satirist (1938 - 2007)
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  • Stew Leonard If eighty percent of your sales come from twenty percent of all of your items, just carry those twenty percent.
    Stew Leonard
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  • Henry James One might enumerate the items of high civilization, as it exists in other countries, which are absent from the texture of American life, until it should become a wonder to know what was left.
    Henry James
    American author (1843 - 1916)
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  • Barton Seaver Restaurants stress the protein. People read menu items left to right, with the protein first. I read descriptions right to left.
    Barton Seaver
    American author and chef (1979 - )
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  • Roland Barthes The bastard form of mass culture is humiliated repetition... always new books, new programs, new films, news items, but always the same meaning.
    Roland Barthes
    French writer, literary critic, linguist and philosopher (1915 - 1980)
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  • Alan Dundes They do not merely collect texts; they must also gather data about the context and the informant and, above all, write an analysis of the items based upon the course readings and lecture material on folklore theory and method.
    Alan Dundes
    American folklorist
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  • Byron Dorgan When businesses face tough times, one of the first items they cut is overhead expenses. The government should do the same.
    Byron Dorgan
    American author, businessman (1942 - )
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