Quotes with lesser-known

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  • Fred A. Allen A celebrity is a person who works hard all of their life to become well known, and then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
    Fred A. Allen
    American comic (1894 - 1956)
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  • Adam Weishaupt I am proud to be known to the world as the founder of the Illuminati.
    Adam Weishaupt
    German philosopher (1748 - 1830)
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  • Basil of Caesarea A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
    Basil of Caesarea
    Greek bishop of Caesarea Mazaca in Cappadocia (330 - 379)
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  • Henry Brooks Adams The woman who is known only through a man is known wrong.
    Henry Brooks Adams
    American historian (1838 - 1918)
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  • Otto von Bismarck A really great man is known by three signs... generosity in the design, humanity in the execution, moderation in success.
    Otto von Bismarck
    German statesman and prime minister (1815 - 1898)
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  • James Baldwin Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety.
    Source: Nobody Knows My Name (1961)
    James Baldwin
    American writer (1924 - 1987)
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  • Lord Chesterfield Be your character what it will, it will be known; and nobody will take it upon your word.
    Lord Chesterfield
    English statesman, diplomat and writer (Philip Dormer Stanhope) (1694 - 1773)
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  • Bill Bryson Clearly, some time ago makers and consumers of American junk food passed jointly through some kind of sensibility barrier in the endless quest for new taste sensations. Now they are a little like those desperate junkies who have tried every known drug and are finally reduced to mainlining toilet bowl cleanser in an effort to get still higher.
    Bill Bryson
    American-British author (1951 - )
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  • Ahmed Ben Bella Colonialism is known in its primitive form, that is to say, by the permanent settling of repressive foreign powers, with an army, services, policies. This phase has known cruel colonial occupations which have lasted 300 years in Indonesia.
    Ahmed Ben Bella
    Algerian politician, socialist soldier and revolutionary (1916 - 2012)
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  • James Elroy Flecker For lust of knowing what should not be known, we take the Golden Road to Samarkand.
    James Elroy Flecker
    English poet (1884 - 1915)
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  • Buffalo Bill Frontiersmen good and bad, gunmen as well as inspired prophets of the future, have been my camp companions. Thus, I know the country of which I am about to write as few men now living have known it.
    Buffalo Bill
    American soldier, bison hunter, and showman (1846 - 1917)
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  • Michel Eyquem De Montaigne Have you known how to take rest? You have done more than he who hath taken empires and cities.
    Michel Eyquem De Montaigne
    French essayist and philosopher (1533 - 1592)
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  • B. R. Ambedkar History shows that where ethics and economics come in conflict, victory is always with economics. Vested interests have never been known to have willingly divested themselves unless there was sufficient force to compel them.
    B. R. Ambedkar
    Indian jurist, economist and politician (1891 - 1956)
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  • Confucius I am not concerned that I am not known, I seek to be worthy to be known.
    Chinese philosopher (551 - 479)
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  • Charles Sumner I have never known a man who was sensual in his youth, who was high-minded when old.
    Charles Sumner
    American politician and U.S. Senator (1811 - 1874)
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  • Gerald Early I think there are only three things America will be known for 2, 000 years from now when they study this civilization: the Constitution, jazz music and baseball.
    Gerald Early
    American essayist and American (1952 - )
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson In the highest civilization, the book is still the highest delight. He who has once known its satisfactions is provided with a resource against calamity.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • Luis Bunuel In the name of Hypocrites, doctors have invented the most exquisite form of torture ever known to man: survival.
    Luis Bunuel
    Spanish director (1900 - 1983)
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  • Jane Goodsell It is a known fact that men are practical, hardheaded realists, in contrast to women, who are romantic dreamers and actually believe that estrogenic skin cream must do something or they couldn't charge sixteen dollars for that little tiny jar.
    Jane Goodsell
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  • Ashleigh Brilliant Life is an incurable condition: the only known treatment is to try to keep the patient comfortable.
    Ashleigh Brilliant
    American author and cartoonist (1933 - )
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