Quotes with letter-writing

Quotes 61 till 80 of 486.

  • Helen Gurley Brown Beauty can't amuse you, but brainwork - reading, writing, thinking - can.
    Helen Gurley Brown
    American author, publisher and businesswoman (1922 - 2012)
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  • Charles Peters Bureaucrats write memoranda both because they appear to be busy when they are writing and because the memos, once written, immediately become proof that they were busy.
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  • J. G. Ballard But I wouldn't recommend writing. You can be a successful writer and never meet another soul. I'm not sure that's a good thing.
    J. G. Ballard
    British author (1930 - 2009)
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  • Bruce Springsteen But then I go through long periods where I don't listen to things, usually when I'm working. In between the records and in between the writing I suck up books and music and movies and anything I can find.
    Bruce Springsteen
    American singer-songwriter (1949 - )
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  • Bryan Ferry But when I started writing songs, I stopped painting completely, and the only art things I do are connected to the career, like album sleeves and, to some extent, posters and things like that.
    Bryan Ferry
    English singer and songwriter (1945 - )
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  • Bobby McFerrin But, if there's any aspect of my career that needs attention, it's writing.
    Bobby McFerrin
    American jazz vocalist (1950 - )
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  • Albert Maltz By the time I was at college, I became very alert to the question of racial discrimination, and I remember one of my first writing attempts had to do with a lynching.
    Albert Maltz
    American playwright and fiction writer (1908 - 1985)
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  • George Orwell By the time you have perfected any style of writing, you have always outgrown it.
    George Orwell
    English writer (ps. of Eric Blair) (1903 - 1950)
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  • Louise Erdrich By writing I can live in ways that I could not survive.
    Louise Erdrich
    American author (1954 - )
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  • William Zinsser Clutter is the disease of American writing. We are a society strangling in unnecessary words, circular constructions, pompous frills and meaningless jargon.
    William Zinsser
    American writer, editor, literary critic, and teacher (1922 - 2005)
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  • Bryan Callen Compare sending someone a text message and getting a love letter delivered by carrier pigeon. No contest.
    Bryan Callen
    American stand-up comedian, actor, writer (1967 - )
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  • Camilla Lackberg Crime stories are our version of sitting round a camp fire and telling tales. We enjoy being scared under safe circumstances. That's why there's no tradition of crime writing in countries that have wars.
    Camilla Lackberg
    Swedish author (1974 - )
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  • Ben Hecht Despite all our toil and progress, the art of medicine still falls somewhere between trout casting and spook writing.
    Ben Hecht
    American writer, playwright (1894 - 1964)
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  • Carlos Fuentes Diplomacy in a sense is the opposite of writing. You have to disperse yourself so much: the lady who comes in crying because she's had a fight with the secretary; exports and imports; students in trouble; thumbtacks for the embassy.
    Carlos Fuentes
    Mexican novelist and essayist (1928 - 2012)
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  • Blake Farenthold Do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in any information that I share with a company? My Google searches? The emails I send? Do I have a reasonable expectation of privacy in anything but maybe a letter I hand deliver to my wife?
    Blake Farenthold
    American politician and lobbyist (1961 - )
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  • Carrie Vaughn Don't hold back in your writing. Take risks. Go ahead and tackle that crazy idea that you think will never fly, because that may be the one that makes you stand out from the crowd. Keep pushing the envelope.
    Carrie Vaughn
    American writer (1973 - )
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  • Nathaniel Hawthorne Easy reading is damn hard writing.
    Nathaniel Hawthorne
    American short story writer (1804 - 1864)
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  • Billy Wilder Eighty percent of a picture is writing, the other twenty percent is the execution, such as having the camera on the right spot and being able to afford to have good actors in all parts.
    Source: The New Hollywood : American Movies in the 70s (1975)
    Billy Wilder
    Austrian-American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer and artist (1906 - 2002)
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  • Brenda Ueland Even if I knew for certain that I would never have anything published again, and would never make another cent from it, I would still keep on writing.
    Brenda Ueland
    American journalist, editor, and teacher
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  • Cass McCombs Even if I'm writing music, it's with a lyric in mind, to communicate some kind of feeling.
    Cass McCombs
    American musician (1977 - )
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