Quotes with letter-writing

Quotes 81 till 100 of 486.

  • Brian K. Vaughan Even though I was trained in play writing and screenwriting, when I sat down to write a comic book for the first time, Alan Moore was first and foremost in my mind.
    Brian K. Vaughan
    American comic book and television writer (1976 - )
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  • Benjamin Booker Even when I interviewed bands, it was about asking them about writing songs, so it was more for me than anybody else.
    Benjamin Booker
    American singer, songwriter and guitarist (1989 - )
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  • Philip Roth Eventually the writing takes time. What I want to do is get the story down and I want to know what happens as I write my way into the knowledge of the story.
    Philip Roth
    American Novelist (1933 - 2018)
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  • Barbara Park Ever since I began writing my Junie B. Jones series, people have been assuming that the character is based on me when I was a little girl. The fact is, though, that Junie B. and I have very little in common.
    Barbara Park
    American author of children's books (1947 - 2013)
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  • Bruce Coville Every book is like starting over again. I've written books every way possible - from using tight outlines to writing from the seat of my pants. Both ways work.
    Bruce Coville
    American author (1950 - )
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  • Bruce Vilanch Every single line on the Oscar show is negotiated. Unless you've been there, you have no idea how it is put together. It's like nothing else on earth. I'm writing a book about it, but I have to throw in my sexual escapades to make sure it sells.
    Bruce Vilanch
    American comedy writer, songwriter and actor (1948 - )
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  • Alice Hoffman Every time I finish a book, I forget everything I learned writing it - the information just disappears out of my head.
    Alice Hoffman
    American novelist (1952 - )
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  • Carolyn Chute Every time I think I know what's right and wrong, I end up being wrong. All I want to do is explore. I want to see what people would do. I say, 'What would this person do in this situation?' and I write it down. I'm not writing manifestos of my political views.
    Carolyn Chute
    American writer and populist
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  • Joseph Brodsky Every writing career starts as a personal quest for sainthood, for self-betterment. Sooner or later, and as a rule quite soon, a man discovers that his pen accomplishes a lot more than his soul.
    Joseph Brodsky
    Russian-born American Poet, Critic (1940 - 1996)
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  • Carl Hiaasen Everybody's idea of a great book is different, of course. For me it's one that makes my jaw drop on every page, the writing is so original.
    Carl Hiaasen
    American writer, author and journalist (1953 - )
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  • Anne Tyler For me, writing something down was the only road out.
    Anne Tyler
    American novelist and short story writer (1941 - )
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  • Barbara Kingsolver For me, writing time has always been precious, something I wait for and am eager for and make the best use of. That's probably why I get up so early and have writing time in the quiet dawn hours, when no one needs me.
    Barbara Kingsolver
    American novelist, essayist and poet (1955 - )
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  • William Zinsser Four basic premises of writing: clarity, brevity, simplicity, and humanity.
    William Zinsser
    American writer, editor, literary critic, and teacher (1922 - 2005)
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  • Arthur Golden Geisha because when I was living in Japan, I met a fellow whose mother was a geisha, and I thought that was kind of fascinating and ended up reading about the subject just about the same time I was getting interested in writing fiction.
    Arthur Golden
    American writer (1956 - )
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  • Cole Porter Good authors, too, who once knew better words now only use four-letter words writing prose... anything goes.
    Cole Porter
    American composer and songwriter (1891 - 1964)
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  • Raymond Chandler Good critical writing is measured by the perception and evaluation of the subject; bad critical writing by the necessity of maintaining the professional standing of the critic.
    Raymond Chandler
    American writer (1888 - 1959)
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  • Horace Good sense is both the first principal and the parent source of good writing.
    Roman poet
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  • Harold Pinter Good writing excites me, and makes life worth living.
    Harold Pinter
    English playwright, screenwriter and director (1930 - 2008)
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  • Peter Carey Good writing of course requires talent, and no one can teach you to have talent.
    Peter Carey
    Australian writer (1943 - )
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  • William Somerset Maugham Habits in writing as in life are only useful if they are broken as soon as they cease to be advantageous.
    William Somerset Maugham
    English writer (1874 - 1965)
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