Quotes with levels

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  • Carroll Quigley ...controls on behavior shift from the intermediate levels of human experience (social, emotional and religious) to the lower (military and political) or to the upper (ideological). They become the externalized controls of a mature society: weapons, bureaucracies, material rewards, or ideology.
    Source: Oscar Iden Lecture Series, Lecture 3: The State of Individuals (1976)
    Carroll Quigley
    American historian and theorist (1910 - 1977)
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  • Carroll Quigley ...empires and civilizations do not collapse because of deficiencies on the military or the political levels.
    Source: Oscar Iden Lecture Series, Lecture 3: The State of Individuals (1976)
    Carroll Quigley
    American historian and theorist (1910 - 1977)
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  • Carroll Quigley ...the levels of culture, the aspects of society: military, political, economic, social, emotional, religious, and intellectual. Those are your basic human needs....they are arranged in evolutionary sequence.
    Source: Oscar Iden Lecture Series, Lecture 3: The State of Individuals (1976)
    Carroll Quigley
    American historian and theorist (1910 - 1977)
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  • Andy Goldsworthy A snowball is simple, direct and familiar to most of us. I use this simplicity as a container for feelings and ideas that function on many levels.
    Andy Goldsworthy
    British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist (1956 - )
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  • Ben Stein After all the black man has been through in this world, he can still often reach levels of spirituality the most pampered white man cannot touch. Maybe what he's been through is the reason why.
    Ben Stein
    American professor, writer
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  • Arthur Laffer And let the Fed sell bonds to bring bank reserves back down to required reserve levels, so we have restraint on bank lending and bank issuances of liability.
    Arthur Laffer
    American economist and author (1940 - )
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  • Caroline Knapp Around the time I began starving, in the early eighties, the visual image had begun to supplant text as culture's primary mode of communication, a radical change because images work so differently than words: They're immediate, they hit you at levels way beneath intellect, they come fast and furious.
    Caroline Knapp
    American writer and columnist
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  • Ban Ki-moon Climate change, in some regions, has aggravated conflict over scarce land, and could well trigger large-scale migration in the decades ahead. And rising sea levels put at risk the very survival of all small island states. These and other implications for peace and security have implications for the United Nations itself.
    Ban Ki-moon
    South Korean politician and diplomat (1944 - )
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  • Ban Ki-moon Countries with higher levels of gender equality have higher economic growth. Companies with more women on their boards have higher returns. Peace agreements that include women are more successful. Parliaments with more women take up a wider range of issues - including health, education, anti-discrimination, and child support.
    Ban Ki-moon
    South Korean politician and diplomat (1944 - )
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  • Ben Shapiro During the Great Depression, levels of crime actually dropped. During the 1920s, when life was free and easy, so was crime. During the 1930s, when the entire American economy fell into a government-owned alligator moat, crime was nearly non-existent. During the 1950s and 1960s, when the economy was excellent, crime rose again.
    Ben Shapiro
    American conservative political commentator and attorney (1984 - )
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  • Angela Merkel Eurobonds are absolutely wrong. In order to bring about common interest rates, you need similar competitiveness levels, similar budget situations. You don't get them by collectivizing debts.
    Angela Merkel
    German politician and chancellor (1954 - )
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  • Ben Horowitz Going public today is fraught with peril on many levels. One is earnings guidance. If you miss guidance, the stock price becomes very volatile. Short sellers can put a tremendous downward pressure on the stock.
    Ben Horowitz
    American businessman, investor, blogger, and author (1966 - )
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  • Brendon Burchard Have you ever played a video game that didn't have escalating levels of difficulty? Well, life can feel like play, too, when we purposefully engage in activities that demand we test and develop our skills.
    Brendon Burchard
    American author (1977 - )
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  • Ben Bernanke High levels of homeownership have been shown to foster greater involvement in school and civic organizations, higher graduation rates, and greater neighborhood stability.
    Ben Bernanke
    American economist (1953 - )
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  • Bernie Sanders Hillary Clinton is listening to the scientists who tell us that - unless we act boldly and transform our energy system in the very near future - there will be more drought, more floods, more acidification of the oceans, more rising sea levels.
    Bernie Sanders
    American politician (1941 - )
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  • Burning Spear I believe music is like medicine. Like a good tonic, it can open your mind, strengthen and possibly even cure you. Music can work on many levels, and nothing I know of possesses the healing force that exists within music.
    Burning Spear
    Jamaican reggae singer-songwriter, vocalist and musician (1945 - )
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  • Assata Shakur I found that people had all kinds of levels of consciousness, all kinds of levels of education, but that Cubans in general were very educated politically. I could go sit in a bus and get into a conversation with someone and that person had a wealth of knowledge. And energy!
    Assata Shakur
    American activist and former member of the Black Liberation Army (BLA) (1947 - )
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  • Ben Carson If we can take young people who excel at the highest levels, put them on the same kind of pedestal as the all-state basketball player and the all-state football player, and begin to get the same kind of recognition, it will have a profound effect, and we are finding that it does.
    Ben Carson
    American politician, and author (1951 - )
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  • Bing Gordon If you don't measure yourself by achievement, how are you going to set achievement levels for other people?
    Bing Gordon
    American video game executive and technology venture capitalist
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  • Bill Kristol In any case, decisions on troop levels in the American system of government are not made by any general or set of generals but by the civilian leadership of the war effort.
    Bill Kristol
    American political analyst (1952 - )
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