Quotes with locations

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  • Beau Willimon Film is much more visual, a scene is typically a lot shorter, you're dealing with a lot more characters, a lot more locations, and you're able to rely on things that you just can never do on the stage.
    Beau Willimon
    American playwright and screenwriter (1977 - )
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  • Ben Parr Google is famous for making the tiniest changes to pixel locations based on the data it accrues through its tests. Google will always choose a spartan webpage that converts over a beautiful page that doesn't have the data to back it up.
    Ben Parr
    American journalist, author, venture capitalist (1985 - )
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  • Billy Campbell If you were to ask my agent, they would confirm this: I'm drawn to locations. What really drew me to 'The 4400,' aside from the fact that it was sci-fi, was the fact that it was shot in the city of my dreams: Vancouver.
    Billy Campbell
    American film and television actor (1959 - )
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  • Bette Davis Locations are all tough, all miserable. I never left the sound stage for 18 years at Warners. We never went outside the studio, not even for big scenes.
    Bette Davis
    American Actress, Producer (1908 - 1989)
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  • Bobby Flay My partner and I are looking at several locations on Park Avenue South and Midtown for a new restaurant space.
    Bobby Flay
    American celebrity chef and restaurateur (1964 - )
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  • Ben Wheatley There's no way you can shoot low-budget stuff on lots of locations. It's just a practicality thing because every time you move, it costs time and money.
    Ben Wheatley
    English filmmaker and screenwriter (1972 - )
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