Quotes with madly

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  • Cate Blanchett As an actor, I endeavor to find the reason in the unreasonable. Because no one thinks they are being unreasonable or unrealistic or demanding or behaving madly. We all see ourselves as being justified.
    Cate Blanchett
    Australian actress and theatre (1969 - )
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  • Astrid Lindgren I have never experienced being madly in love the way most people seem to have been, although it is not something I would miss. Instead I have had an enormous ability to love my children and my grandchildren and my great grandchildren.
    Astrid Lindgren
    Swedish children's book and novelist (1907 - 2002)
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  • Quentin Crisp I recommend limiting one's involvement in other people's lives to a pleasantly scant minimum. This may seem too stoical a position in these madly passionate times, but madly passionate people rarely make good on their madly passionate promises.
    Quentin Crisp
    English writer and actor (1908 - 1999)
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  • Bruno Mars It's probably the worst feeling in the world, when you're deeply and madly in love with a woman and you know she's not feeling you the same way, and you don't know why.
    Bruno Mars
    American singer, songwriter, record producer and dancer (1985 - )
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  • Stephen Leacock Lord Ronald said nothing; he flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions.
    Stephen Leacock
    Canadian humorist and economist (1869 - 1944)
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  • Bela Lugosi My body grew hot, then cold. I tried to eat the bed sheets. My heart beat madly. Every joint in my body ached. When I took the cure they took it all away from me.
    Bela Lugosi
    Hungarian-American actor (1882 - 1956)
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