Quotes 3801 till 3820 of 4652.
There is as much difference between the counsel that a friend giveth, and that a man giveth himself, as there is between the counsel of a friend and of a flatterer. For there is no such flatterer as is a man's self.
There is but one cause of human failure. And that is man's lack of faith in his true Self.
There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.
There is evil in all of us, and it is the mark of a man how he defies the evil within.
There is hardly a man clever enough to recognize the full extent of the evil he does.
There is hardly a man on earth who will take advice unless he is certain that it is positively bad.
There is hardly a more common error than that of taking the man who has one talent, for a genius.
Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd -
There is in us a lyric germ or nucleus which deserves respect; it bids a man to ponder or create; and in this dim corner of himself he can take refuge and find consolations which the society of his fellow creatures does not provide.
There is little that can withstand a man who can conquer himself.
There is method in man's wickedness, it grows up by degrees,
A King and No King 5, 4 -
There is much difference between imitating a man and counterfeiting him.
There is no action of man in this life which is not the beginning of so long a chain of consequences, as that no human providence is high enough to give us a prospect to the end.
Leviathan ch. 31 -
There is no better test of a man's work than time, which also reveals the thoughts which lay hidden in his breast.
There is no greater distance than that between a man in prayer and God.
There is no greater folly in the world than for a man to despair.
There is no insanity so devastating in man's life as utter sanity.
There is no lie that a man will not believe; and there is no man who does not believe many lies; and there is no man who believes only lies.
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