Quotes 2561 till 2580 of 13894.
Death is for many of us the gate of hell;
but we are inside on the way out,
not outside on the way in. -
Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present.
Death is not rare, alas! nor burials few, And soon the grassy coverlet of God Spreads equal green above their ashes pale.
Death is not the ultimate tragedy in life. The ultimate tragedy is to die without discovering the possibilities of full growth.
Good Housekeeping November 1989, p. 92 -
Death is someone you see very clearly with eyes in the center of your heart: eyes that see not by reacting to light, but by reacting to a kind of a chill from within the marrow of your own life.
Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.
Documentary Mandela (1994) -
Death is the privilige of human nature and life without it were not worth our taking.
Death is with you all the time; you get deeper in it as you move towards it, but it's not unfamiliar to you. It's always been there, so what becomes unfamiliar to you when you pass away from the moment is really life.
Death never takes the wise man by surprise, he is always ready to go.
Death not merely ends life, it also bestows upon it a silent completeness, snatched from the hazardous flux to which all things human are subject.
Death to a good man is but passing through a dark entry, out of one little dusky room of his Father's house into another that is fair and large, lightsome and glorious, and divinely entertaining.
Death's not one of those things that frighten the life out of me. Getting up on stage with the curtain going up frightens me more.
Death, in itself, is nothing; but we fear, to be we know not what, we know not where
Deathlessness should be arrived at in a... haphazard fashion. Loving fame as much as any man, we shall carve our initials in the shell of a tortoise and turn him loose in a peat bog.
Decadence is a difficult word to use since it has become little more than a term of abuse applied by critics to anything they do not yet understand.
Death in the Afternoon (1932) ch. 7 -
Deceive not thy physician, confessor, nor lawyer.
Deceive not thyself by over-expecting happiness in the married estate. Remember the nightingales which sing only some months in the spring, but commonly are silent when they have hatched their eggs, as if their mirth were turned into care for their young ones.
Decisions! And a general, a commander in chief who has not got the quality of decision, then he is no good.
Deeds, not stones, are the true monuments of the great.
Defeat doesn't finish a man - quit does. A man is not finished when he's defeated. He's finished when he quits.
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