Quotes 3281 till 3300 of 13894.
For not an orphan in the wide world can be so deserted as the child who is an outcast from a living parent's love.
For once you must try not to shirk the facts: mankind is kept alive by bestial acts.
For one man is my world of all the men this wide world holds; O love, my world is you.
For pleasures past I do not grieve, nor perils gathering near; My greatest grief is that I leave nothing that claims a tear.
For policemen to be honest about the fact that they may be fearful when they come into a certain situation, not understanding what's going to happen. The only way things will change and things will get better is if people are able to be honest without feeling like they're going to be offended, or they're going to offend someone else.
For policy makers interested in using tax policy to stimulate investments or especially to smooth business cycle fluctuations, the results are not promising.
For prying into any human affairs, non are equal to those whom it does not concern.
For sleep, one needs endless depths of blackness to sink into; daylight is too shallow, it will not cover one.
For support, I fall back on my heart. Has a man any fault a woman cannot weave with and try to change into something better, if the god her man prays to is a mother holding a baby?
For the 95 per cent whose only means of schooling is the district or the city school, we must provide what we are not now providing, an education that will better fit them for the struggle of life.
For the fifth year in a row, the Bush budget cuts city core services to pay for wealthy tax breaks. And once again, the mayor's requests were not funded.
For the man sound of body and serene of mind there is no such thing as bad weather; every day has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously.
For the person for whom small things do not exist, the great is not great.
For the rational, psychologically healthy man, the desire for pleasure is the desire to celebrate his control over reality. For the neurotic, the desire for pleasure is the desire to escape from reality.
For the sake of the troops, for the love of the troops, we must not add yet another casualty to this war. We must not let truth be a casualty of this war.
For the third season, we do a sit around on one episode where we were in character and then we commented on one episode just being ourselves, so - not really. I was comfortable, though. I wasn't nervous.
For the villainy of the world is great, and a man has to run his legs off to keep them from being stolen out fom underneath him.
For the wise man looks into space and he knows there is no limited dimensions.
For the woman, the man is a means: the end is always the child.
For things to have value in man's world, they are given the role of commodities. Among man's oldest and most constant commodity is woman.
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