Quotes 6521 till 6540 of 13894.
Let me be clear - no one is above the law. Not a politician, not a priest, not a criminal, not a police officer. We are all accountable for our actions.
Let me be clear. I support the definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Let me be content with being happy, without sighing that I am not distinguished.
Let me make it clear: The Disbursement Allocation Program is not pork barrel. Of the DAP releases in 2011 and 2012, only nine percent was disbursed for projects suggested by legislators. The DAP is not theft. Theft is illegal.
Let me make the superstitions of a nation and I care not who makes its laws or its songs either.
Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove.
Let me say this on a personal note. Without the United States of America, I would in all probably not be able to stand here before you today.
Let men see, let them know, a real man, who lives as he was meant to live.
Let never man be bold enough to say, Thus, and no farther shall my passion stray: The first crime, past, compels us into more, And guilt grows fate, that was but choice, before.
Let no man be called happy before his death. Till then, he is not happy, only lucky.
Let no man fear to die, we love to sleep all, and death is but the sounder sleep.
Let no man imagine that he has no influence. Whoever he may be, and where ever he may be placed, the man who thinks becomes a light and a power.
Let no man seek henceforth to be foretold what shall befall him or his children.
Let no man think lightly of good, saying in his heart, It will not benefit me. Even by the falling of waterdrops a water-pot is filled; the wise man becomes full of good, even if he gather it little by little.
Let no man under value the price of a virtuous woman's counsel.
Let no one believe that he has received the divine kiss, if he knows the truth without loving it or loves it without understanding it. But blessed is that kiss whereby not only is God recognized but also the Father is loved; for there is never full knowledge without perfect love.
Let no one till his death be called unhappy. Measure not the work until the day's out and the labor done.
Let none turn over books, or roam the stars in quest of God, who sees him not in man.
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