Quotes 6941 till 6960 of 13894.
Man is the only animal which esteems itself rich in proportion to the number and voracity of its parasites.
Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.
Man is the only creature that strives to surpass himself, and yearns for the impossible.
Man is the only creature who has a nasty mind.
Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is.
Man is the only living species that has the power to act as his own destroyer—and that is the way he has acted through most of his history.
The Virtue of Selfishness (1964) -
Man is the unnatural animal, the rebel child of nature, and more and more does he turn himself against the harsh and fitful hand that reared him.
Man is to be found in reason, God in the passions.
Man is to himself the most wonderful object in nature; for he cannot conceive what the body is, still less what the mind is, and least of all how a body should be united to a mind. This is the consummation of his difficulties, and yet it is his very being.
Pensees (1669) -
Man is what he believes.
Man knows more than he understands.
Man knows much more than he understands.
Man knows so much and does so little.
Richard Buckminster Fuller
American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, and inventor (1895 - 1983) -
Man knows that the world is not made on a human scale; and he wishes that it were.
Man lives consciously for himself, but is an unconscious instrument in the attainment of the historic, universal, aims of humanity.
Man lives for science as well as bread.
Man loves company, even if it is only that of a smoldering candle.
Man loves malice, but not against one-eyed men nor the unfortunate, but against the fortunate and proud.
Pensees (1669) -
Man maintains his balance, poise, and sense of security only as he is moving forward.
Man makes holy what he believes.
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