Quotes 8441 till 8460 of 13894.
People do not wish to appear foolish; to avoid the appearance of foolishness, they are willing to remain actually fools.
People don't realize how a man's whole life can be changed by one book.
People don't want to be understood, I mean not completely. It's too destructive. Then they haven't anything left.
Bring Me a Unicorn (1971) -
People everywhere enjoy believing things that they know are not true. It spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves and taking responsibility for what they know.
People expect not just songwriters but all personalities to pontificate about their egos - they just wanna see someone talking about themselves constantly. I'm not interested in that.
People expect us to be different, but we're not. We're very similar people, and it's because we're so similar and close to each other that we make each other laugh - in fact we make each other laugh more than we make anyone else laugh.
People fail to achieve goals not because of lack of abilities, but because of lack of determination. (any ability can be learned).
Chorninky Notes -
People find ideas a bore because they do not distinguish between live ones and stuffed ones on a shelf.
People have decided that career politicians may be part of the problem, not part of the solution.
People have not been horrified by war to a sufficient extent... War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige as the warrior does today.
People have to learn sometimes not only how much the heart, but how much the head, can bear.
People in my books tend to get their just deserts, even if not at the hands of the police.
People invite me to dinner not because I cook, but because I like to clean up. I get immediate gratification from Windex. Yes, I do windows.
People just want to hear some common sense... and I bring to bear the experience in local government and state government and national government - I was the first woman in history on the Senate Finance Committee - not to mention the diplomatic international experience.
People look at me and look, but I do not care.
People love pretty much the same things best. A writer looking for subject inquires not after what he loves best, but after what he alone loves at all.
People may or may not say what they mean... but they always say something designed to get what they want.
People must have righteous principals in the first, and then they will not fail to perform virtuous actions.
People must not do things for fun. We are not here for fun. There is no reference to fun in any act of Parliament.
People of genius do not excel in any profession because they work in it, they work in it because they excel.
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