Quotes 8781 till 8800 of 13894.
Riches do not delight us so much with their possession, as torment us with their loss.
Dick Gregory
African-American comedian, civil rights activist, social critic, writer and entrepreneur (1932 - 2017) -
Riches get their value from the mind of the possessor; they are blessings to those who know how to use them, and curses to those who do not.
Ridley Scott is a cinematic master and a great man. It was a real honour working with him on 'Prometheus.'
Right discipline consists, not in external compulsion, but in the habits of mind which lead spontaneously to desirable rather than undesirable activities.
Right now I'm the most famous silent movie actress in the world and I want to keep that for me. So I hope there's not going to be any other silent movies.
Rights that do not flow from duty well performed are not worth having.
Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.
Ritual is the way you carry the presence of the sacred. Ritual is the spark that must not go out.
Rituals are important. Nowadays it's hip not to be married. I'm not interested in being hip.
Roads get wider and busier and less friendly to pedestrians. And all of the development based around cars, like big sprawling shopping malls. Everything seems to be designed for the benefit of the automobile and not the benefit of the human being.
Roast Beef, medium, is not only a food. It is a philosophy. Seated at Life's Dining Table, with the menu of Morals before you, your eye wanders a bit over the entrées, the hors d'oeuvres, and the things à la though you know that Roast Beef, medium, is safe and sane, and sure.
Robots will harvest, cook, and serve our food. They will work in our factories, drive our cars, and walk our dogs. Like it or not, the age of work is coming to an end.
Roll on, deep and dark blue ocean, roll. Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain. Man marks the earth with ruin, but his control stops with the shore.
Romance like a ghost escapes touching; it is always where you are not, not where you are. The interview or conversation was prose at the time, but it is poetry in the memory.
Romania will not be able to evolve if it continues to take cruel decisions against sensitive creatures, which are under the protection of European law.
Romanticism is not just a mode; it literally eats into every life. Women will never get rid of just waiting for the right man.
Roots is not just a saga of my family. It is the symbolic saga of a people.
Routine is not organization, any more than paralysis is order.
Rule 1, on page 1 of the book of war, is: 'Do not march on Moscow'... [Rule 2] is: 'Do not go fighting with your land armies in China.
Speech in House of Lords, 30 May 1962 -
Running is never fun. Running is something that you do when there's a man chasing you with a knife.
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