Quotes with man-not

Quotes 9281 till 9300 of 13894.

  • Hosea Ballou The act of divine worship is the inestimable privilege of man, the only created being who bows in humility and adoration.
    Hosea Ballou
    American Theologian, Founder of ''Universalism'' (1771 - 1852)
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  • Bette Davis The act of sex, gratifying as it may be, is God's joke on humanity. It is man's last desperate stand at superintendency.
    Bette Davis
    American Actress, Producer (1908 - 1989)
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  • H. Ross Perot The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river.
    H. Ross Perot
    American businessman & politician, founder EDS (1930 - 2019)
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  • Alfred de Vigny The acts of the human race on the world's stage have doubtless a coherent unity, but the meaning of the vast tragedy enacted will be visible only to the eye of God, until the end, which will reveal it perhaps to the last man.
    Alfred de Vigny
    French poet and writer (1797 - 1863)
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  • J. G. Ballard The advanced societies of the future will not be governed by reason. They will be driven by irrationality, by competing systems of psychopathology.
    J. G. Ballard
    British author (1930 - 2009)
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  • Pierre Charron The advice of friends must be received with a judicious reserve; we must not give ourselves up to it and follow it blindly, whether right or wrong.
    Pierre Charron
    French philosopher (1541 - 1603)
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  • Samuel Johnson The advice that is wanted is commonly not welcome and that which is not wanted, evidently an effrontery.
    Samuel Johnson
    English writer (1709 - 1784)
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  • Milarepa The affairs of the world will go on forever. Do not delay the practice of meditation.
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  • Abu Bakar Bashir The Afghans did not have sophisticated weapons like the Soviets did, but with their faith they defeated a superpower.
    Abu Bakar Bashir
    Indonesian Muslim cleric (1938 - )
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  • Alva Myrdal The age in which we live can only be characterized as one of barbarism. Our civilization is in the process not only of being militarized, but also being brutalized.
    Alva Myrdal
    Swedish sociologist, diplomat and politician (1902 - 1986)
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  • Raymond Chandler The agent never receipts his bill, puts his hat on and bows himself out. He stays around forever, not only for as long as you can write anything that anyone will buy, but as long as anyone will buy any portion of any right to anything that you ever did write. He just takes ten per cent of your life.
    Raymond Chandler
    American writer (1888 - 1959)
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  • George Orwell The aim of a joke is not to degrade the human being, but to remind him that he is already degraded.
    George Orwell
    English writer (ps. of Eric Blair) (1903 - 1950)
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  • Aristotle The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.
    Greek philosopher (384 - 322)
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  • John Mason The aim of education should be to convert the mind into living fountain, and not a reservoir.
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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton The aim of life is appreciation; there is no sense in not appreciating things; and there is no sense in having more of them if you have less appreciation of them.
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton
    English writer (1874 - 1936)
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  • Cecil J. Sharpe The aim of morality is to give people a standard of action and a motive to work by which, they will not intensify each person's selfishness, but raise them up above it.
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  • Bertolt Brecht The aim of science is not to open the door to infinite wisdom, but to set some limit on infinite error.
    Life of Galileo
    Bertolt Brecht
    German - Austrian writer (1898 - 1956)
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  • C. Wright Mills The aim of the college, for the individual student, is to eliminate the need in his life for the college; the task is to help him become a self-educating man.
    C. Wright Mills
    American sociologist (1916 - 1962)
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  • Aristotle The aim of the wise is not to secure pleasure, but to avoid pain.
    Greek philosopher (384 - 322)
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  • Robert Browning The aim, if reached or not, makes great the life: try to be Shakespeare, leave the rest to fate!
    Robert Browning
    English poet (1812 - 1889)
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