Quotes with man-not

Quotes 10521 till 10540 of 13894.

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson The secret of ugliness consists not in irregularity, but in being uninteresting.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • Mark Twain The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.
    Mark Twain
    American writer (ps. of Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (1835 - 1910)
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  • Thomas Hobbes The secret thoughts of a man run over all things, holy, profane, clean, obscene, grave, and light, without shame or blame.
    Thomas Hobbes
    British philosopher (1588 - 1679)
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  • Augusten Burroughs The secret to being a writer is that you have to write. It's not enough to think about writing or to study literature or plan a future life as an author. You really have to lock yourself away, alone, and get to work.
    Augusten Burroughs
    American writer (1965 - )
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  • John Dewey The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action.
    John Dewey
    American philosopher (1859 - 1952)
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  • Carl Romanelli The Senate needs to protect the interests of the American people and the world community, not provide political cover to President Bush. It's not enough to call Saddam Hussein evil incarnate.
    on U.S. Senate hearings into President Bushs planned invasion of Iraq
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  • Norman Cousins The sense of paralysis proceeds not so much out of the mammoth size of the problem but out of the puniness of the purpose.
    Norman Cousins
    American Editor, Humanitarian, Author (1915 - 1990)
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  • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe The senses do not deceive us, but the judgment does.
    Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
    German writer and poet (1749 - 1832)
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  • Bhagavad Gita The senses have been conditioned by attraction to the pleasant and aversion to the unpleasant: a man should not be ruled by them; they are obstacles in his path.
    Bhagavad Gita
    Indian Hindu storybook
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  • C. P. Snow The separation between the two cultures has been getting deeper under our eyes; there is now precious little communication between them.... The traditional culture... is, of course, mainly literary... the scientific culture is expansive, not restrictive.
    New Statesman, 6 October 1956
    C. P. Snow
    English novelist (1905 - 1980)
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  • Lyndon B. Johnson The separation of church and state is a source of strength, but the conscience of our nation does not call for separation between men of state and faith in the Supreme Being.
    Lyndon B. Johnson
    American president (1908 - 1973)
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  • Lewis Mumford The settlement of America had its origins in the unsettlement of Europe. America came into existence when the European was already so distant from the ancient ideas and ways of his birthplace that the whole span of the Atlantic did not widen the gulf.
    Lewis Mumford
    American social philosopher (1895 - 1990)
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  • George Bernard Shaw The seven deadly sins... food, clothing, firing, rent, taxes, respectability and children. Nothing can lift those seven millstones from Man's neck but money; and the spirit cannot soar until the millstones are lifted.
    George Bernard Shaw
    Irish-English writer and critic (1856 - 1950)
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  • Antoinette Brown Blackwell The sexes in each species of being... are always true equivalents - equals but not identical.
    Antoinette Brown Blackwell
    American Protestant minister (1825 - 1921)
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  • Walt Whitman The shallow consider liberty a release from all law, from every constraint. The wise man sees in it, on the contrary, the potent Law of Laws.
    Walt Whitman
    American poet, essayist, and journalist (1819 - 1892)
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  • Francois de la Rochefoucauld The shame that arises from praise which we do not deserve often makes us do things we should otherwise never have attempted.
    Francois de la Rochefoucauld
    French writer (1613 - 1680)
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  • Audre Lorde The sharing of joy, whether physical, emotional, psychic, or intellectual, forms a bridge between the sharers which can be the basis for understanding much of what is not shared between them, and lessens the threat of their difference.
    Audre Lorde
    American writer, feminist, womanist, librarian, and civil (1934 - 1992)
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  • Benjamin Tucker The shortest way to change a radical into a conservative, a liberal into a tyrant, a man into a beast, is to give him power over his fellows.
    Benjamin Tucker
    American anarchist and socialist (1854 - 1939)
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  • Robert Lynd The shy man usually finds that he has been shy without a cause, and that, in practice, no one takes the slightest notice of him.
    Robert Lynd
    American sociologist (1892 - 1970)
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  • Alan Parsons The Sicilian Defense album was never released and never will be if I have anything to do with it. I have not heard it since it was finished. I hope the tapes no longer exist.
    Alan Parsons
    English audio engineer, songwriter, musician (1948 - )
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