Quotes 11421 till 11440 of 13894.
This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.
This is not a reaction against a negative world. It's a response to a negative world.
regarding Adore, Guitar World. July 1998 -
This is not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning.
This is not the time for partisan bickering. This is not the time for politics as usual. Some of us are Democrats. Some of us are Republicans. Some of us are Independents. Above all, we must be Oklahomans first.
This is not the time to marry. My country is calling me. I have taken a vow to serve the country with my heart and soul.
This is one of the miracles of love: It gives a power of seeing through its own enchantments and yet not being disenchanted.
This is something that I cannot get over - that a whole line could be written by half a man, that a work could be built on the quicksand of a character.
This is the artist, then, life's hungry man, the glutton of eternity, beauty's miser, glory's slave.
This is the beauty of the Qur'an: it asks you to reflect and reason, and not to worship the sun or moon but the One who has created everything. The Qur'an asks man to reflect upon the sun and moon and God's creation in general.
This is the first age that's ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one.
This is the law of prosperity. When apparent adversity comes, be not cast down by it, but make the best of it., and always look forward for better things, for conditions more prosperous.
This is the moral challenge of our generation. Not only are the eyes of the world upon us. More important, succeeding generations depend on us. We cannot rob our children of their future.
Speech at Bali climate change conference (2007) -
This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections.
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
This is the word tightrope. Now imagine
a man, inching across it in the space
between our thoughts. He holds our breath. There is no word net. You want him to fall, don't you?
I guessed as much; he teeters but succeeds.
The word applause is written all over him.Standing Female Nude (1985) -
This is the worst of life, that love does not give us common sense but a sure way of losing it.
This is what extremely grieves us, that a man who never fought
Should contrive our fees to pilfer, on who for his native land
Never to this day had oar, or lance, or blister in his hand. -
This journey is not over. Our education initiatives have so much momentum, and we're committed to sharing even more stories from the Arctic when we return.
This man, although he appeared so humble and embarrassed in his air and manners, and passed so unheeded, had inspired me with such a feeling of horror by the unearthly paleness of his countenance, from which I could not avert my eyes, that I was unable longer to endure it.
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