Quotes 4021 till 4040 of 4532.
We must build a new world, a far better world - one in which the eternal dignity of man is respected.
We must hold a man amenable to reason for the choice of his daily craft or profession. It is not an excuse any longer for his deeds that they are the custom of his trade. What business has he with an evil trade?
We must learn which ceremonies may be breached occasionally at our convenience and which ones may never be if we are to live pleasantly with our fellow man.
We need not worry so much about what man descends from; it's what he descends to that shames the human race.
We need to teach the highly educated man that it is not a disgrace to fail and that he must analyze every failure to find its cause. He must learn how to fail intelligently, for failing is one of the greatest arts in the world.
We praise a man who feels angry on the right grounds and against the right persons and also in the right manner at the right moment and for the right length of time.
We see a successful, elegant man now, but as a child, an adolescent, his life was not a done deal. Sidney respected his mistakes. When failure came, he never said, This is too difficult, too hard, he had the resiliency to try again. His life is somewhere between astounding and unbelievable.
Comment on Sidney Poitier, as quoted in a press release at AARP (24 July 2008) -
We shall see but little way if we require to understand what we see. How few things can a man measure with the tape of his understanding! How many greater things might he be seeing in the meanwhile!
We should not say that one man's hour is worth another man's hour, but rather that one man during an hour is worth just as much as another man during an hour. Time is everything, man is nothing: he is at the most time's carcass.
We tend to admire the people in our society who have accumulated such wealth as to seem somehow great. But we shouldn't forget that it was the everyday working class man who made this country great.
We were either listening to jazz or Robert Johnson, the old blues man, but not to our peers.
We'd all like to vote for the best man, but he's never a candidate.
We're not leaving here without Buster, man. Leave no crash-test dummy behind!.
Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think.
Wealth often takes away chances from men as well as poverty. There is none to tell the rich to go on striving, for a rich man makes the law that hallows and hollows his own life.
Wedding: the point at which a man stops toasting a woman and begins roasting her.
Well, the teacher I studied with for nineteen and a half years was a man named Paul Gavert. He was a great lieder singer, so basically I'm a trained lieder singer because of that teacher. The teacher I currently study with - since 1995 - is Joan Lader, who also studied with Gavert.
Were art to redeem man, it could do so only by saving him from the seriousness of life and restoring him to an unexpected boyishness.
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