Quotes with milan

Quotes 21 till 40 of 50.

  • Milan Kundera Mysticism and exaggeration go together. A mystic must not fear ridicule if he is to push all the way to the limits of humility or the limits of delight.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera No act is of itself either good or bad. Only its place in the order of things makes it good or bad.
    Source: De grap (1967)
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera No great movement designed to change the world can bear to be laughed at or belittled. Mockery is a rust that corrodes all it touches.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera Nothing is more repugnant to me than brotherly feelings grounded in the common baseness people see in one another.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera Nudity is the uniform of the other side... nudity is a shroud.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Brendan I. Koerner Tarot cards likely originated in northern Italy during the late 14th or early 15th century. The oldest surviving set, known as the Visconti-Sforza deck, was created for the Duke of Milan's family around 1440. The cards were used to play a bridge-like game known as tarocchi, popular at the time among nobles and other leisure lovers.
    Brendan I. Koerner
    American author (1974 - )
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  • Milan Kundera The basis of shame is not some personal mistake of ours, but the ignominy, the humiliation we feel that we must be what we are without any choice in the matter, and that this humiliation is seen by everyone.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The greater the ambiguity, the greater the pleasure.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The Greek word for return is nostos. Algos means suffering. So nostalgia is the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The light that radiates from the great novels time can never dim, for human existence is perpetually being forgotten by man and thus the novelists discoveries, however old they may be, will never cease to astonish.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The only relationship that can make both partners happy is one in which sentimentality has no place and neither partner makes any claim on the life and freedom of the other.
    Source: De ondraaglijke lichtheid van het bestaan (1984)
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The reign of imagagology begins where history ends.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The serial number of a human specimen is the face, that accidental and unrepeatable combination of features. It reflects neither character nor soul, nor what we call the self. The face is only the serial number of a specimen.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The sound of laughter is like the vaulted dome of a temple of happiness.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The source of anxiety lies in the future. If you can keep the future out of mind, you can forget your worries.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The stupidity of people comes from having an answer for everything. The wisdom of the novel comes from having a question for everything.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The worst thing is not that the world is unfree, but that people have unlearned their liberty.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera The worth of a human being lies in the ability to extend oneself, to go outside oneself, to exist in and for other people.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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  • Milan Kundera There is no perfection only life.
    Milan Kundera
    Tsjech writer and criticus (1929 - 2023)
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