Quotes 6841 till 6860 of 25164.
I am more and more convinced that man is a dangerous creature and that power, whether vested in many or a few, is ever grasping, and like the grave, cries, 'Give, give.
I am more and more convinced that our happiness or our unhappiness depends far more on the way we meet the events of life than on the nature of those events themselves.
I am not 100% English, I am actually part Italian and even part Hungarian. Therefore I feel very much part of Europe both in my upbringing and outlook.
I am not a Catholic; but I consider the Christian idea, which has its roots in Greek thought and in the course of the centuries has nourished all of our European civilization, as something that one cannot renounce without becoming degraded.
I am not a lesbian and I am not a slut, and somehow I am going to make people believe me.
I am not a literary man. I am a man of science, and I am interested in that branch of Anthropology which deals with the history of human speech.
I am not a perfect servant. I am a public servant doing my best against the odds. As I develop and serve, be patient. God is not finished with me yet.
I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.
I am not an expert in this field but I do try to keep up to date with the Bundesliga. And I do follow World Cups and European Championships more closely.
I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed but I am bound to live the best life that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right and part from him when he goes wrong.
I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed; and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep on trying.
I am not just a lesbian. I am not just a poet. I am not just a mother. Honor the complexity of your vision and yourselves.
I am not quite myself, I think. But who here is quite himself? And yet there is a way in which we are all more ourselves than ever, I suppose.
Rick Moody (2007) 236 -
I am now standing in a mixture of cooling fluid, gasoline, and cola.
I am now working on the second WWI story and find the challenge marvelous.
I am of an Opinion, in which I am every Day more confirmed by Observation, that Gratitude is one of those things that cannot be bought. It must be born with Men, or else all the Obligations in the World will not create it. An outward Show may be made to satisfy Decency, and to prevent Reproach; but a real Sense of a kind thing is a Gift of Nature, and never was, nor can be acquired.
Works (1912) -
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.
I am often mad, but I would hate to be nothing but mad: and I think I would lose what little value I may have as a writer if I were to refuse, as a matter of principle, to accept the warming rays of the sun, and to report them, whenever, and if ever, they
I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs.
Othello I, 1
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