Quotes 10441 till 10460 of 25164.
It is not so much the example of others we imitate as the reflection of ourselves in their eyes and the echo of ourselves in their words.
It is not that the child lives in a world of imagination, but that the child within us survives and starts into life only at rare moments of recollection, which makes us believe, and it is not true, that, as children, we were imaginative?
It is not the criminal things that are hardest to confess, but the ridiculous and the shameful.
It is not the intelligent woman v. the ignorant woman; nor the white woman v. the black, the brown, and the red, it is not even the cause of woman v. man. Nay, tis woman's strongest vindication for speaking that the world needs to hear her voice.
It is not the money but the self-respect and wanting to create good music.
It is not the straining for great things that is most effective; it is the doing the little things, the common duties, a little better and better.
It is not these well-fed long-haired men that I fear, but the pale and the hungry-looking.
It is not true that democracy will always safeguard freedom of conscience better than autocracy. Witness the most famous of all trials. Pilate was, from the standpoint of the Jews, certainly the representative of autocracy. Yet he tried to protect freedom. And he yielded to a democracy.
It is not true that men can be divided into absolutely honest persons and absolutely dishonest ones. Our honesty varies with the strain put on it.
It is not true that suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive.
It is not true that the English invented cricket as a way of making all other human endeavours look interesting and lively; that was merely an unintended side effect. I don't wish to denigrate a sport that is enjoyed by millions, some of them awake and facing the right way, but it is an odd game.
In a Sunburned Country (US) / Down Under (UK) (2000) -
It is not true that we have only one life to live; if we can read, we can live as many more lives and as many kinds of lives as we wish.
It is not well for a man to pray cream and live skim milk.
It is not whether your words or actions are tough or gentle; it is the spirit behind your actions and words that announces your inner state.
It is not women's fault if we are so tender. It is in the nature of the lives we live. And further, it would be a terrible catastrophe if men had to live men's lives and women's also. Which is precisely what has happened today - to women.
It is not work that kills men; it is worry. Work is healthy; you can hardly put more upon a man than he can bear. Worry is the rust upon the blade. It is not the revolution which destroys the machinery but the friction. Fear secretes acids; but love and trust are sweet juices
It is odd but agitation or contest of any kind gives a rebound to my spirits and sets me up for a time.
It is of the essence of imaginative culture that it transcends the limits both of the naturally possible and of the morally acceptable.
It is of the greatest importance that people and governments in many more countries than ours should realize that it is more dangerous to have access to nuclear arms than not to possess them.
It is often easier to become outraged by injustice half a world away than by oppression and discrimination half a block from home.
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