Quotes with mini-series

Quotes 41 till 60 of 93.

  • Criss Angel Life is but a series of memories you make.
    Criss Angel
    American magician, illusionist and musician (1967 - )
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  • Virginia Woolf Life is not a series of gig lamps symmetrically arranged; life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end.
    Virginia Woolf
    English writer (1882 - 1941)
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  • Bern Williams Life is supposed to be a series of peaks and valleys. The secret is to keep the valleys from becoming Grand Canyons.
    Bern Williams
    English philosopher
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  • Alan Dundes Life, it seems, is nothing if not a series of initiations, transitions, and incorporations.
    Alan Dundes
    American folklorist
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  • Anita Brookner Life... is not simply a series of exciting new ventures. The future is not always a whole new ball game. There tends to be unfinished business. One trails all sorts of things around with one, things that simply won't be got rid of.
    Anita Brookner
    British Writer (1928 - 2016)
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  • Bill Bryson Much of the tablecloth was a series of grey smudges outlined in a large, irregular patch of yellow that looked distressingly like a urine stain.
    Source: Neither Here nor There: Travels in Europe
    Bill Bryson
    American-British author (1951 - )
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  • Bill Goldberg My experience with video games is a far cry from 'WWE 2K17.' Did I ever aspire to be that character? Man, I just wanted to be a hero to kids. Whether it's a character in a video game, a movie or a TV series, it's an accolade that I'm greatly appreciative of.
    Bill Goldberg
    American professional wrestler and actor (1966 - )
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  • Bill Paxton My father always read obituaries to me out loud, not because he was maudlin or morbid, but because they were mini biographies.
    Bill Paxton
    American actor and director (1955 - 2017)
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  • Benoit Mandelbrot My life seemed to be a series of events and accidents. Yet when I look back I see a pattern.
    Source: New Scientist interview
    Benoit Mandelbrot
    Polish-born French and American mathematician and polymath (1924 - 2010)
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  • Billy Corgan My pat line about the Cubs and payroll is that the amount of merchandise the Cubs would sell off a world series championship would more than cover for a big payroll.
    Billy Corgan
    American musician, singer and songwriter (1967 - )
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  • C. Thomas Howell Once you really understand your role... that's why I think actors get lost in a series. Everybody wants to be the quarterback or the game-winning wide receiver. I've been around long enough and done enough stuff to where I don't feel that way. I just want to do what I do as well as possible.
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  • Benjamin Cardozo Our course of advance... is neither a straight line nor a curve. It is a series of dots and dashes.
    Benjamin Cardozo
    American lawyer and jurist (1870 - 1938)
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  • Margaret Mead Our humility rest upon a series of learned behaviors, woven together into patterns that are infinitely fragile and never directly inherited.
    Margaret Mead
    American cultural anthropologist (1901 - 1978)
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  • Richard Deupree Part of my job is to train people to break down an involved question into a series of simple matters. Then we can all act intelligently
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  • F. Scott Fitzgerald Personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures.
    F. Scott Fitzgerald
    American writer (1896 - 1940)
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  • Brad Feld St. Louis is a good example of a vibrant city. Having stayed in a hotel in 2011 overlooking Cardinals stadium when they won the World Series, their fans definitely show up loud and proud.
    Brad Feld
    American entrepreneur, and author
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  • Caroline Dhavernas That's great because I know as a teenager, I didn't relate to a TV series where all people do is cheerlead and drink sodas on the weekend. So I think it'll be great if it can be seen by a few people at least.
    Caroline Dhavernas
    Canadian actress (1978 - )
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  • Aung San Suu Kyi The history of the world shows that peoples and societies do not have to pass through a fixed series of stages in the course of development.
    Aung San Suu Kyi
    Burmese politician (1945 - )
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  • Candace Bushnell The joke that I make is that there are instances on the TV series that happen to me, - except on Sex and the City they always make it better or worse than real life and I am actually saying that in a joking way.
    Candace Bushnell
    American author and journalist (1958 - )
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  • Bee Wilson The main influence on a child's palate may no longer be a parent but a series of food manufacturers whose products - despite their illusion of infinite choice - deliver a monotonous flavour hit, quite unlike the more varied flavours of traditional cuisine.
    Bee Wilson
    British food writer, journalist and historian
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