Quotes with mistakes-to

Quotes 101 till 120 of 180.

  • Junot Diaz My greatest responsibility is to acknowledge the mistakes and the shortcomings of the country in which I live, to acknowledge my privileges, and to try to make it a better place.
    Junot Diaz
    Dominican-American writer (1968 - )
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  • Bono My heroes are the ones who survived doing it wrong, who made mistakes, but recovered from them.
    Irish singer, songwriter, philanthropist, activist and businessman (1960 - )
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  • Beatrice Wood My life is full of mistakes. They're like pebbles that make a good road.
    Beatrice Wood
    American artist (1893 - 1998)
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson Nature... She pardons no mistakes. Her yea is yea, and her nay, nay.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • Mary Wollstonecraft No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness.
    Mary Wollstonecraft
    British feministisch writer (1759 - 1797)
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  • William E. Gladstone No man ever became great or good except through many and great mistakes.
    William E. Gladstone
    British Liberal Prime Minister, Statesman (1809 - 1888)
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  • Oscar Wilde Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.
    Oscar Wilde
    Irish writer (1854 - 1900)
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  • Bill Watterson Often it takes some calamity to make us live in the present. Then suddenly we wake up and see all the mistakes we have made.
    Bill Watterson
    American cartoonist (1958 - )
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  • Kin Hubbard One of the commonest mistakes is thinking your worries are over when your children get married.
    Kin Hubbard
    American cartoonist, humorist, and journalist (1868 - 1930)
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  • Richard Branson One thing is certain in business. You and everyone around you will make mistakes.
    Richard Branson
    English business magnate, investor and philanthropist (1950 - )
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  • Carl Honore Our obsession with speed, with cramming more and more into every minute, means that we race through life instead of actually living it. Our health, diet and relationships suffer. We make mistakes at work. We struggle to relax, to enjoy the moment, even to get a decent night's sleep.
    Carl Honore
    Canadian journalist (1967 - )
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  • Antisthenes Pay attention to your enemies for they are the first to discover your mistakes.
    Greek philosopher (445 - 365)
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  • Adam Osborne People think computers will keep them from making mistakes. They're wrong. With computers you make mistakes faster.
    Adam Osborne
    British-American author and publisher (1939 - 2003)
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  • Jerry Gillies People who make money often make mistakes, and even have major setbacks, but they believe they will eventually prosper, and they see every setback as a lesson to be applied in their move towards success.
    Jerry Gillies
    American writer
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  • George Bernard Shaw Political necessities sometimes turn out to be political mistakes.
    Source: Saint Joan (1923)
    George Bernard Shaw
    Irish-English writer and critic (1856 - 1950)
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  • Bill Cosby Raising children is an incredibly hard and risky business in which no cumulative wisdom is gained: each generation repeats the mistakes the previous one made.
    Bill Cosby
    American actor, comedian, producer (1937 - )
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  • Barry Ritholtz Rather than engage in the sort of selective retention that so many investors tend to do and pretend mistakes never happened, I prefer to 'own' them. This allows me to learn from them and, with any luck, avoid making the same errors again.
    Barry Ritholtz
    American author and newspaper columnist
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  • Josh Billings Reason often makes mistakes, but conscience never does.
    Josh Billings
    American humorist (1818 - 1885)
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  • Henry James She had an unequalled gift... of squeezing big mistakes into small opportunities.
    Henry James
    American author (1843 - 1916)
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  • H. L. Wayland Show us a man who never makes a mistake and we will show you a man who never makes anything. The capacity for occasional blundering is inseparable from the capacity to bring things to pass. The only men who are past the danger of making mistakes are the men who sleep at Greenwood.
    H. L. Wayland
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