Quotes with modify

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  • Jorge Luis Borges Every writer ''creates'' his own precursors. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future.
    Jorge Luis Borges
    Argentijns writer (1899 - 1986)
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  • Anthony Robbins If we don't see a failure as a challenge to modify our approach, but rather as a problem with ourselves, as a personality defect, we will immediately feel overwhelmed.
    Anthony Robbins
    American author, entrepreneur, philanthropist and life coach (1960 - )
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  • George Eliot Life is measured by the rapidity of change, the succession of influences that modify the being.
    George Eliot
    English writer and poet (1819 - 1880)
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  • Buzz Aldrin The society of life on Mars, or the challenge of making Mars more livable, will have significant benefits on our attempts to modify and change in some ways the environment here on Earth.
    Buzz Aldrin
    American former astronaut, engineer and fighter (1930 - )
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  • Quentin Crisp Though intelligence is powerless to modify character, it is a dab hand at finding euphemisms for its weaknesses.
    Quentin Crisp
    English writer and actor (1908 - 1999)
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  • Norman Vincent Peale When you pray for anyone you tend to modify your personal attitude toward him.
    Norman Vincent Peale
    American minister and author (1898 - 1993)
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  • Bjarke Ingels You can say, like, planet Earth has an existing geology, and what we do as human beings and as architects is that we try to sort of alter and modify and expand the geology.
    Bjarke Ingels
    Danish architect and businessman (1974 - )
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