Quotes with narrow-mindedness

Quotes 41 till 60 of 60.

  • Brooks Atkinson The most fatal illusion is the narrow point of view. Since life is growth and motion, a fixed point of view kills anybody who has one.
    Brooks Atkinson
    American theatre critic (1894 - 1984)
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  • William Hazlitt The most learned are often the most narrow minded.
    William Hazlitt
    English writer (1778 - 1830)
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  • Juvenal The short bloom of our brief and narrow life flies far away. While we are calling for flowers and wine and woman, old age is upon us.
    Roman poet
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  • Daniel J. Boorstin The traditional novel form continues to enlarge our experience in those very areas where the wide-angle lens and the Cinema screen tend to narrow it.
    Daniel J. Boorstin
    American historian (1914 - 2004)
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  • Aharon Appelfeld The writer in western civilization has become not a voice of his tribe, but of his individuality. This is a very narrow-minded situation.
    Aharon Appelfeld
    Israeli writer (1932 - 2018)
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  • Lord Acton There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion.
    Lord Acton
    British historian (1834 - 1902)
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  • William Penn There can be no friendship where there is no freedom. Friendship loves a free air, and will not be fenced up in straight and narrow enclosures.
    William Penn
    English religious leader, founder of Pennsylvania (1644 - 1718)
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  • A. E. Housman They say my verse is sad: no wonder.
    Its narrow measure spans
    Rue for eternity, and sorrow
    Not mine, but man's.

    This is for all ill-treated fellows
    Unborn and unbegot,
    For them to read when they're in trouble
    And I am not.
    Source: More Poems (1936)
    A. E. Housman
    British poet (1859 - 1936)
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  • Carl Sagan This planet is run by crazy people. Remember what they have to do to get where they are. Their perspective is so narrow, so...brief. A few years. In the best of them a few decades. They care only about the time they are in power.
    Source: Contact (1985) Ch. 23 (p. 403)
    Carl Sagan
    American astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist and author (1934 - 1996)
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  • Johann Gottfried Von Herder Those that embrace the entire universe with love, for the most part love nothing, but their narrow selves.
    Johann Gottfried Von Herder
    German poet and theologian (1744 - 1803)
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  • Comte De Isidore Ducasse Lautreamont Throughout my life, I have seen narrow-shouldered men, without a single exception, committing innumerable stupid acts, brutalizing their fellows and perverting souls by all means. They call the motive for their actions fame.
    Comte De Isidore Ducasse Lautreamont
    French author, poet (1846 - 1870)
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  • Charles Caleb Colton Time; that black and narrow isthmus between two eternities.
    Charles Caleb Colton
    English writer (1777 - 1832)
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  • Charles Horton Cooley To have no heroes is to have no aspiration, to live on the momentum of the past, to be thrown back upon routine, sensuality, and the narrow self.
    Charles Horton Cooley
    American sociologist (1864 - 1929)
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  • Edwin Hubbel Chapin Tribulation will not hurt you, unless as it too often does; it hardens you and makes you sour, narrow and skeptical.
    Edwin Hubbel Chapin
    American author and clergyman (1814 - 1880)
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  • Lewis Mumford We have created an industrial order geared to automatism, where feeble-mindedness, native or acquired, is necessary for docile productivity in the factory; and where a pervasive neurosis is the final gift of the meaningless life that issues forth at the other end.
    Lewis Mumford
    American social philosopher (1895 - 1990)
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  • Selma James We have needed to define ourselves by reclaiming the words that define us. They have used language as weapons. When we open ourselves to what they say and how they say it, our narrow prejudices evaporate and we are nourished and armed.
    Selma James
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  • Cass Sunstein Web publishing can create common spaces; it all depends on how we, the readers and sometimes the producers, react to technological change. If we sort ourselves into narrow groups, common spaces will be in big trouble. But there's no reason not to have common spaces on the Internet. There are lots of them out there.
    Cass Sunstein
    American legal scholar (1954 - )
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  • Edward Bulwer-Lytton What ever our wandering our happiness will always be found within a narrow compass, and in the middle of the objects more immediately within our reach.
    Edward Bulwer-Lytton
    English writer and poet (1803 - 1873)
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  • John Ruskin What right have you to take the word wealth, which originally meant ''well-being,'' and degrade and narrow it by confining it to certain sorts of material objects measured by money.
    John Ruskin
    English art critic (1819 - 1900)
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  • Andrea Dworkin Wild intelligence abhors any narrow world; and the world of women must stay narrow, or the woman is an outlaw. No woman could be Nietzsche or Rimbaud without ending up in a whorehouse or lobotomized.
    Andrea Dworkin
    American radical feminist and writer (1946 - 2005)
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