Quotes with nearly

Quotes 61 till 80 of 95.

  • H. Jackson Brown Jr Oh, the difference between nearly right and exactly right.
    H. Jackson Brown Jr
    American author (1940 - 2021)
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  • Cass Sunstein On some issues, Republicans and Democrats disagree so sharply that compromise is nearly impossible. Republicans are not going to support a cap-and-trade program to limit greenhouse gases, and Democrats won't support a 1,000-mile wall on the border with Mexico.
    Cass Sunstein
    American legal scholar (1954 - )
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  • Norman Douglas One can always trust to time. Insert a wedge of time and nearly everything straightens itself out.
    Norman Douglas
    British Author (1868 - 1952)
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  • Maxwell Maltz One of the reasons it has seemed so difficult for a person to change his habits, his personality, or his way of life, has been that heretofore nearly all efforts at change have been directed to the circumference of the self, so to speak, rather than to the center.
    Maxwell Maltz
    American surgeon and author (1889 - 1975)
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  • Bob Ney Opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge stands to not only increase the United States' oil reserves by nearly 50 percent, but it will create thousands of good U.S. jobs.
    Bob Ney
    American politician (1954 - )
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  • Matthew Arnold Our society distributes itself into Barbarians, Philistines and Populace; and America is just ourselves with the Barbarians quite left out, and the Populace nearly.
    Matthew Arnold
    British critic and poet (1822 - 1888)
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  • Caroline B. Cooney People nearly always believe, and are willing to back it up with weapons and cruelty, that their religion and way of life is better than the other person's.
    Caroline B. Cooney
    American author
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  • Charles Dudley Warner Perhaps nobody ever accomplishes all that he feels lies in him to do; but nearly every one who tries his power touches the walls of his being.
    Charles Dudley Warner
    American writer (1829 - 1900)
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  • Frances Cornford Propaganda is that branch of the art of lying which consists in nearly deceiving your friends without quite deceiving your enemies.
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  • John Galsworthy Religion was nearly dead because there was no longer real belief in future life; but something was struggling to take its place - service - social service - the ants creed, the bees creed.
    John Galsworthy
    British writer, playwright (1867 - 1933)
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  • Bob Filner Rosa Parks' courage, determination, and tenacity continue to be an inspiration to all those committed to non-violent protest and change nearly half a century later.
    Bob Filner
    American politician (1942 - )
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  • Bob Riley The amount of money we spend on education is important, but not nearly as important as how the money is spent.
    Bob Riley
    American politician (1944 - )
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  • William Saroyan The basic truth of all things, as nearly as we may ever dream of determining and knowing this truth, is form, that which is, as it is. The way and shape of the thing no less than the thing itself.
    William Saroyan
    Armenian-American novelist, playwright, and writer (1908 - 1981)
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  • Bill Simmons The best under-the-radar rivalry is Dodgers-Giants. I had no idea how deep that one was until I moved to California... that one goes waaaaaaaaay back, and both sides absolutely detest each other. Fights in the stands, fights in the parking lot, the whole thing. It's every bit as bitter as Yankees-Red Sox without nearly the same hype.
    Bill Simmons
    American sports analyst and author (1969 - )
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  • Barney Frank The Clinton tax increase - which was an increase in taxes primarily on upper-income people - not only made the tax code more nearly progressive, it preceded one of the most productive economic periods in American life.
    Barney Frank
    American politician (1940 - )
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  • Henry Louis Mencken The curse of man, and the cause of nearly all his woe, is his stupendous capacity for believing the incredible.
    Henry Louis Mencken
    American journalist and critic (1880 - 1956)
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  • Bob Woodward The fact of the Watergate cover-up is not nearly as interesting as the step into making the cover-up. And when you understand the step, you understand that Richard Nixon lied. That he was a criminal.
    Bob Woodward
    American investigative journalist (1943 - )
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  • Carl Sandburg The impact of television on our culture is... indescribable. There's a certain sense in which it is nearly as important as the invention of printing.
    Carl Sandburg
    American Poet (1878 - 1967)
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  • Jean Cocteau The instinct of nearly all societies is to lock up anybody who is truly free. First, society begins by trying to beat you up. If this fails, they try to poison you. If this fails too, they finish by loading honors on your head.
    Jean Cocteau
    French writer (1889 - 1963)
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  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The most winning woman I ever knew was hanged for poisoning three little children for their insurance-money, and the most repellent man of my acquaintance is a philanthropist who has spent nearly a quarter of a million upon the London poor.
    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    British author (1859 - 1930)
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