Quotes 1 till 20 of 59.
Bu'' is a word that cools many a warm impulse, stifles many a kindly thought, puts a dead stop to many a brotherly deed. No one would ever love his neighbor as himself if he listened to all the ''Buts'' that could be said.
To those of my race who... underestimate the importance of cultivating friendly relations with the Southern white man, who is their next-door neighbor, I would say, 'Cast down your bucket where you are'—cast it down in making friends in every manly way of the people of all races by whom we are surrounded.
Address at Atlanta International Exposition, Atlanta, Ga., 18 September 1895 -
A book may be compared to your neighbor: if it be good, it cannot last too long; if bad, you cannot get rid of it too early.
A good neighbor is a fellow who smiles at you over the back fence, but doesn't climb over it.
A good neighbor sometimes cuts your morning up to mince-meat of the very smallest talk, then helps to sugar her bohea at night with your reputation.
A profoundly disturbing thing you discover very quickly traveling in Cuba is that the most dangerous person for Cubans isn't the police or even the secret police; it's their neighbor. Anyone can report you for anything 'outside' the revolution - even if you haven't done it yet.
A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you lose yours.
Speech, 01-09-1980 -
A system in which the two great commandments are to hate your neighbor and to love your neighbor's wife.
All customs and traditions, all our way of life, everything to do with home and order, has crumbled into dust in the general upheaval and reorganization of society. The whole human way of life has been destroyed and ruined. All that's left is the naked human soul stripped to the last shred, for which nothing has changed because it was always cold and shivering and reaching out to its nearest neighbor, as cold and lonely as itself.
Doctor Zhivago (1958) Ch. 13 -
As man draws nearer to the stars, why should he not also draw nearer to his neighbor?
Don't borrow money from a neighbor or a friend, but of a stranger where, paying for it you shall hear of it no more.
Don't complain about the snow on your neighbor's roof when your own doorstep is unclean.
Flatter not thyself in thy faith in God if thou hast not charity for thy neighbor.
From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own.
Here everybody has a neighbor
Everybody has a friend
Everybody has a reason to begin again.Magic (2007) Long Walk Home -
How much time he saves who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks.
I will govern my life and thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one and read the other, for what does it signify to make anything a secret to my neighbor, when to God, who is the searcher of our hearts, all our privacies are open?
If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mousetrap, than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.
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