Quotes with nocturnal

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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton All architecture is great architecture after sunset; perhaps architecture is really a nocturnal art, like the art of fireworks.
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton
    English writer (1874 - 1936)
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  • Jean Baudrillard Every woman is like a time-zone. She is a nocturnal fragment of your journey. She brings you unflaggingly closer to the next night.
    Jean Baudrillard
    French sociologist and philosopher. (1929 - 2007)
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  • Federico Garcia Lorca With their souls of patent leather, they come down the road. Hunched and nocturnal, where they breathe they impose, silence of dark rubber, and fear of fine sand.
    Federico Garcia Lorca
    Spanish poet and playwright (1898 - 1936)
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