You searched for norman did you mean:
- Norman Vincent Peale: American minister and author
- Norman Mailer: American writer
- Norman Cousins: American Editor, Humanitarian, Author
- Norman Douglas: British Author
- Norman Schwarzkopf: American general
- Norman O. Brown: American scholar, writer and philosopher
Quotes 1 till 20 of 152.
Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution. If you don't have any problems, you don't get any seeds.
A human being fashions his consequences as surely as he fashions his goods or his dwelling his goods or his dwelling. Nothing that he says, thinks or does is without consequences.
Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.
Cushion the painful effects of hard blows by keeping the enthusiasm going strong, even if doing so requires struggle.
Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think about a fact may defeat you before you ever do anything about it. You are overcome by the fact because you think you are.
1 jast think it's bad to talk about one's present work, for it spoils something at the root of the creative act. It discharges the tension.
A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.
A man can believe a considerable deal of rubbish, and yet go about his daily work in a rational and cheerful manner.
A modern democracy is a tyranny whose borders are undefined; one discovers how far one can go only by traveling in a straight line until one is stopped.
A professional soldier understands that war means killing people, war means maiming people, war means families left without fathers and mothers.
Aggressive play is a vital asset of the world's greatest golfers. However, it's even more important to the average player. Attack this game in a bold, confident, and determined way, and you'll make a giant leap toward realizing your full potential as a player.
All this sensory input, which begins in the brain, has its effect throughout the body.
America is a hurricane, and the only people who do not hear the sound are those fortunate if incredibly stupid and smug White Protestants who live in the center, in the serene eye of the big wind.
Be interesting, be enthusiastic... and don't talk to much.
Because there is very little honor left in American life, there is a certain built-in tendency to destroy masculinity in American men.
Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities - always see them, for they're always there.
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Believe you are defeated, believe it long enough, and it is likely to become a fact.
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
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