Quotes with october

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  • Arthur Hailey Long afterward, many would remember those two days in the first week of October with vividness and anguish.
    Arthur Hailey
    British-Canadian novelist (1920 - 2004)
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  • Helen Hunt Jackson O suns and skies and clouds of June, and flowers of June together. Ye cannot rival for one hour October's bright blue weather.
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  • Mark Twain October. This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks in. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and February.
    Mark Twain
    American writer (ps. of Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (1835 - 1910)
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  • Mark Twain October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks in. The other are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and February.
    Source: Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894) CH. 13
    Mark Twain
    American writer (ps. of Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (1835 - 1910)
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  • Calamity Jane On October 28th, 1887, I became the mother of a girl baby, the very image of its father, at least that is what he said, but who has the temper of its mother.
    Calamity Jane
    American frontierswoman (1852 - 1903)
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  • Bernard Bailyn On the evening of October 14, 1774, the Massachusetts delegates were invited to Carpenters' Hall by a group of Philadelphians to do a little business.
    Source: The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution Ch. VI, THE CONTAGION OF LIBERTY, p. 268
    Bernard Bailyn
    American historian, author, and academic (1922 - 2020)
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  • Bliss Carman There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir: We must rise and follow her, When from every hill of flame She calls, and calls each vagabond by name.
    Bliss Carman
    Canadian poet (1861 - 1929)
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  • Benigno Aquino III We don't get typhoons in December. They normally end by September. A typhoon happening in October is considered a late event.
    Benigno Aquino III
    Filipino politician (1960 - )
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