Quotes with one-half

Quotes 141 till 160 of 6209.

  • Gordon Graham Decision is a sharp knife that cuts or to do anything, never to turn back or to stop until the thing intended was clean and straight; indecision, a dull one that hacks and tears and leaves ragged edges behind it.
    Gordon Graham
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  • Plutarch Do not speak of your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself.
    Greek biographer and essayist (46 - 120)
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  • Albert Einstein Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people.
    Albert Einstein
    German - American physicist (1879 - 1955)
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  • Stephen Hawking Earth might one day soon resemble the planet Venus.
    Stephen Hawking
    English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director (1942 - 2018)
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  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau Endurance and to be able to endure is the first lesson a child should learn because it's the one they will most need to know.
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    French writer and philosopher (1712 - 1778)
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson Every fact is related on one side to sensation, and, on the other, to morals. The game of thought is, on the appearance of one of these two sides, to find the other; given the upper, to find the under side.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • Christian Nevell Bovee Every trait of beauty may be referred to some virtue, as to innocence, candor, generosity, modesty, or heroism. St. Pierre To cultivate the sense of the beautiful, is one of the most effectual ways of cultivating an appreciation of the divine goodness.
    Christian Nevell Bovee
    American writer
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  • Italo Calvino Everything can change, but not the language that we carry inside us, like a world more exclusive and final than one's mother's womb.
    Italo Calvino
    Italian writer (1923 - 1985)
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  • Jean Cocteau Everything one does in life, even love, occurs in an express train racing toward death. To smoke opium is to get out of the train while it is still moving. It is to concern oneself with something other than life or death.
    Jean Cocteau
    French writer (1889 - 1963)
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  • Horace Greeley Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident, and riches take wings. Only one thing endures and that is character.
    Horace Greeley
    American editor (1811 - 1872)
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  • Henry Fielding Fashion is the science of appearance, and it inspires one with the desire to seem rather than to be.
    Henry Fielding
    English writer (1707 - 1754)
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • John Burroughs For anything worth having one must pay the price; and the price is always work, patience, love, self-sacrifice - no paper currency, no promises to pay, but the gold of real service.
    John Burroughs
    American writer (1837 - 1921)
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  • Marcel Proust For each illness that doctors cure with medicine, they provoke ten in healthy people by inoculating them with the virus that is a thousand times more powerful than any microbe: the idea that one is ill.
    Marcel Proust
    French writer and critic (1871 - 1922)
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  • Christina Rossetti For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.
    Christina Rossetti
    British poet (1830 - 1894)
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  • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe For this reason the Bible is a book of eternal and effective power; because, as long as the world lasts, no one will say: I comprehend it in the whole and understand it in the particular. Rather we must modestly say it on the whole it is venerable, and in the particular practical.
    Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
    German writer and poet (1749 - 1832)
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  • Rosa Luxemburg Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently.
    Rosa Luxemburg
    German Marxist politician and philosopher (1871 - 1919)
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  • Eleanor Roosevelt Friendship with oneself is all-important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.
    Eleanor Roosevelt
    American "First Lady" and columnist (1884 - 1962)
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  • Ann Bancroft Getting through high school and college was one of my greatest achievements.
    Ann Bancroft
    American author, teacher, adventurer (1955 - )
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  • Izaak Walton God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.
    Izaak Walton
    British writer (1593 - 1683)
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