Quotes 5881 till 5900 of 5908.
The pit of a theatre is the one place where the tears of virtuous and wicked men alike are mingled.
The place to improve the world is first in one's own heart and head and hands.
The process of writing has something infinite about it. Even though it is interrupted each night, it is one single notation.
The real discovery is the one which enables me to stop doing philosophy when I want to. The one that gives philosophy peace, so that it is no longer tormented by questions which bring itself into question.
The true courage of civilized nations is readiness for sacrifice in the service of the state, so that the individual counts as only one amongst many. The important thing here is not personal mettle but aligning oneself with the universal.
The ultimate leader is one who is willing to develop people to the point that they eventually surpass him or her in knowledge and ability.
There are few cases in which mere popularity should be considered a proper test of merit; but the case of song-writing is, I think, one of the few.
There are so many songs out there in the world that - if I know we have to come up with a new cover, then I'll just sit in my room and sing song after song and figure out which one I can kind of sing the best.
There is no such thing as an ugly language. Today I hear every language as if it were the only one, and when I hear of one that is dying, it overwhelms me as though it were the death of the earth.
There is only one passion, the passion for happiness.
To be a man is to be responsible. It is to feel shame at the sight of what seems to be unmerited misery. It is to take pride in a victory won by one's comrades. It is to feel, when setting one's stone, that one is contributing to the building of the world.
To be positive: To be mistaken at the top of one's voice.
We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq, Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events swung American public opinion in our favor.
Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel (16 April 2008) -
We can only know one thing about God - that he is what we are not. Our wretchedness alone is an image of this. The more we contemplate it, the more we contemplate him.
We don't know one-millionth of one percent about anything.
What is a democrat? One who believes that the republicans have ruined the country. What is a republican? One who believes that the democrats would ruin the country.
What one hides is worth neither more nor less than what one finds. And what one hides from oneself is worth neither more nor less than what one allows others to find.
When good people have a falling out, only one of them may be at fault at first; but if the strife continues long, usually both become guilty.
When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so regretfully upon the closed door that we don't see the one that has opened for us.
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