Quotes with onwards

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  • George Orwell Not to expose your true feelings to an adult seems to be instinctive from the age of seven or eight onwards.
    George Orwell
    English writer (ps. of Eric Blair) (1903 - 1950)
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  • Jean Baudrillard Executives are like joggers. If you stop a jogger, he goes on running on the spot. If you drag an executive away from his business, he goes on running on the spot, pawing the ground, talking business. He never stops hurtling onwards, making decisions and executing them.
    Jean Baudrillard
    French sociologist and philosopher. (1929 - 2007)
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  • Andrei Sakharov In and after 1964 when I began to concern myself with the biological issues, and particularly from 1967 onwards, the extent of the problems over which I felt uneasy increased to such a point that in 1968 I felt a compelling urge to make my views public.
    Andrei Sakharov
    Russian nuclear physicist, dissident and activist (1921 - 1989)
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