You searched for oswald did you mean:
- Oswald Chambers: Scottish preacher, writer
- Oswald Spengler: German philosopher of history and historian
Quotes 1 till 17 of 17.
Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.
A good book, in the language of the book-sellers, is a salable one; in that of the curious, a scarce one; in that of men of sense, a useful and instructive one.
Books are standing counselors and preachers, always at hand, and always disinterested; having this advantage over oral instructors, that they are ready to repeat their lesson as often as we please.
Character in a saint means the disposition of Jesus Christ persistently manifested.
Earnestness is not by any means everything; it is very often a subtle form of pious pride because it is obsessed with the method and not with the Master.
Evangelism as the New Testament describes it is not child's play. Evangelism is work, often hard work. Yet it is not drudgery. It puts person in good humor, and makes him truly human.
Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of man.
Long ago the country bore the country-town and nourished it with her best blood. Now the giant city sucks the country dry, insatiably and incessantly demanding and devouring fresh streams of men, till it wearies and dies in the midst of an almost uninhabited waste of country.
Rigondeaux was Cuba's answer to Bobby Fischer who transformed into a kind of Lee Harvey Oswald traitorous creature in that society. He escaped on a smuggler's boat and toppled one of the best fighters in the world in 2013 with his obliteration of Nonito Donaire at Radio City Music Hall. He made it look so easy, his career has never recovered.
The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared to Jesus Christ.
The figure of the gunman in the window was inextricable from the victim and his history. This sustained Oswald in his cell. It gave him what he needed to live. The more time he spent in a cell, the stronger he would get. Everybody knew who he was now.
The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.
We look upon the enemy of our souls as a conquered foe, so he is, but only to God, not to us.
We say, sorrow, disaster, calamity. God says, chastening and it sounds sweet to him though it is a discord to our ears. Don't faint when you are rebuked, and don't despise the chastening of the Lord. ''In your patience possess your souls.''
When a man gets to despair he knows that all his thinking will never get him out. He will only get out by the sheer creative effort of God. Consequently he is in the right attitude to receive from God that which he cannot gain for himself.
When it is a question of God's almighty Spirit, never say, ''I can't.''
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