Quotes with parade

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  • James Fenimore Cooper A monarchy is the most expensive of all forms of government, the regal state requiring a costly parade, and he who depends on his own power to rule, must strengthen that power by bribing the active and enterprising whom he cannot intimidate.
    James Fenimore Cooper
    American writer (1789 - 1851)
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  • Jean Baudrillard We are becoming like cats, slyly parasitic, enjoying an indifferent domesticity. Nice and snug in the social, our historic passions have withdrawn into the glow of an artificial coziness, and our half-closed eyes now seek little other than the peaceful parade of television pictures.
    Jean Baudrillard
    French sociologist and philosopher. (1929 - 2007)
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  • Ben Lovett 'I Just Might Pray' by The David Mayfield Parade has an upbeat tempo without being sugary sweet. 'I Just Might Pray' is an enjoyable track and is easily listened to. As a side note, the video for 'I Just Might Pray' is absolutely adorable.
    Ben Lovett
    American recording artist, film composer, songwriter and producer (1978 - )
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  • Brendan I. Koerner According to Ted Watt's 'The First Labor Day Parade,' the September date was chosen because it coincided with a Knights of Labor conference in New York, thus guaranteeing a sizable turnout for the festivities.
    Brendan I. Koerner
    American author (1974 - )
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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton
    English writer (1874 - 1936)
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  • Bette Midler Group conformity scares the pants off me because it's so often a prelude to cruelty towards anyone who doesn't want to - or can't - join the Big Parade.
    Bette Midler
    American singer, songwriter, actress and comedian (1945 - )
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  • Ben Nicholas If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street.
    Ben Nicholas
    Australian actor
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  • George W. Crane Language is the apparel in which your thoughts parade before the public. Never clothe them in vulgar or shoddy attire.
    George W. Crane
    American psychologist and physician
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  • John Naisbitt Leadership involves finding a parade and getting in front of it.
    John Naisbitt
    American author and public speaker (1929 - )
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  • Ben Nicholas Most of life is routine - dull and grubby, but routine is the momentum that keeps a man going. If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street.
    Ben Nicholas
    Australian actor
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  • Jean Rostand One must either take an interest in the human situation or else parade before the void.
    Jean Rostand
    French writer (1894 - 1977)
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  • Og Mandino The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring, brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams.
    Og Mandino
    American author (1923 - 1996)
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  • Beth Ditto There is no rule in the pink-triangle guide to coming out that you must wear a rainbow flag cap and organise a full band parade.
    Beth Ditto
    American singer-songwriter and actress (1981 - )
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  • Amy Goodman War coverage should be more than a parade of retired generals and retired government flacks posing as reporters.
    Amy Goodman
    American broadcast journalist, columnist and author (1957 - )
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  • Adam Smith With the great part of rich people, the chief employment of riches consists in the parade of riches.
    Adam Smith
    Scottish Economist (1723 - 1790)
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