Quotes with perverting

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  • Betty Parsons My reputation was built on hostility. I had no friends and some very virulent enemies in the old-guard art scene when I began. They threw their heavy artillery against me. They were convinced I was perverting the public taste.
    Betty Parsons
    American artist, art dealer, and collector (1900 - 1982)
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  • Arthur C. Brooks The system that enables the most people to earn the most success is free enterprise, by matching up people's skills, interests, and abilities. In contrast, redistribution simply spreads money around. Even worse, it attenuates the ability to earn success by perverting economic incentives.
    Arthur C. Brooks
    American social scientist and musician (1964 - )
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  • Comte De Isidore Ducasse Lautreamont Throughout my life, I have seen narrow-shouldered men, without a single exception, committing innumerable stupid acts, brutalizing their fellows and perverting souls by all means. They call the motive for their actions fame.
    Comte De Isidore Ducasse Lautreamont
    French author, poet (1846 - 1870)
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