Quotes with poetry

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  • Robert Graves If there's no money in poetry, neither is there poetry in money.
    Robert Graves
    English poet, historical novelist, critic and classicist (1895 - 1985)
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  • Henry David Thoreau Poetry implies the whole truth, philosophy expresses only a particle of it.
    Henry David Thoreau
    American writer (1817 - 1862)
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  • Carl Sandburg Poetry is the achievement of the synthesis of hyacinths and biscuits.
    Carl Sandburg
    American Poet (1878 - 1967)
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  • Emily Dickinson If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry.
    Emily Dickinson
    American poet (1830 - 1886)
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  • Voltaire It is as impossible to translate poetry as it is to translate music.
    French writer and philosopher (ps. of Fran ois Marie Arouet) (1694 - 1778)
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  • Louis Kronenberger The trouble with us in America isn't that the poetry of life has turned to prose, but that it has turned to advertising copy.
    Louis Kronenberger
    American literary critic and novelist (1904 - 1980)
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  • Joyce Carey A man of eighty has outlived probably three new schools of painting, two of architecture and poetry and a hundred in dress.
    Joyce Carey
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  • Joyce Cary A man of eighty has outlived probably three new schools of painting, two of architecture and poetry, a hundred in dress.
    Joyce Cary
    Irish novelist (1888 - 1957)
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  • W. H. Auden A verbal art like poetry is reflective; it stops to think. Music is immediate, it goes on to become.
    W. H. Auden
    American poet (1907 - 1973)
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  • Alfred Douglas All good poetry is forged slowly and patiently, link by link, with sweat and blood and tears.
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  • Gustave Flaubert All one's inventions are true, you can be sure of that. Poetry is as exact a science as geometry.
    Gustave Flaubert
    French writer (1821 - 1880)
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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton All slang is a metaphor, and all metaphor is poetry.
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton
    English writer (1874 - 1936)
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  • Gilbert Keith Chesterton All slang is metaphor, and all metaphor is poetry.
    Gilbert Keith Chesterton
    English writer (1874 - 1936)
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  • Ben Shapiro America's liberal arts universities have long been safe zones for leftist thinking, protected ivory towers for the pseudo-elite who earn their livings writing papers nobody reads about gender roles in the poetry of Maya Angelou.
    Ben Shapiro
    American conservative political commentator and attorney (1984 - )
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  • Raymond Chandler An age which is incapable of poetry is incapable of any kind of literature except the cleverness of a decadence.
    Raymond Chandler
    American writer (1888 - 1959)
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  • Charles Baudelaire Any healthy man can go without food for two days - but not without poetry.
    Charles Baudelaire
    French poet (1821 - 1867)
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  • Ralph Waldo Emerson Art is a jealous mistress; and if a man have a genius for painting, poetry, music, architecture or philosophy, he makes a bad husband and an ill provider.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson
    American poet and philosopher (1803 - 1882)
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  • Thomas B. Macaulay As civilization advances, poetry almost necessarily declines.
    Thomas B. Macaulay
    American essayist and historian (1800 - 1859)
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  • Carol Ann Duffy Auden said poetry makes nothing happen. But I wonder if the opposite could be true. It could make something happen.
    Carol Ann Duffy
    British poet and playwright (1955 - )
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  • A. R. Ammons Besides the actual reading in class of many poems, I would suggest you do two things: first, while teaching everything you can and keeping free of it, teach that poetry is a mode of discourse that differs from logical exposition.
    A. R. Ammons
    American poet (1926 - 2001)
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