Quotes with policies

  • Conservative policies have on the whole worked - insofar as any set of policies can be said to 'work' in the real world. Conservatives of the Reagan-Bush-Gingrich-Bush years have a fair amount to be proud of.
  • People can change the volume, the location and the composition of their income, and they can do so in response to changes in government policies.
  • People can also change the timing of when they earn and receive their income in response to government policies.

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  • Ahmed Ben Bella Colonialism is known in its primitive form, that is to say, by the permanent settling of repressive foreign powers, with an army, services, policies. This phase has known cruel colonial occupations which have lasted 300 years in Indonesia.
    Ahmed Ben Bella
    Algerian politician, socialist soldier and revolutionary (1916 - 2012)
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  • Bert Lance Country banks are more flexible in their lending policies than their city brethren are.
    Bert Lance
    American businessman (1931 - 2013)
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  • Kofi Annan Drugs have destroyed many lives, but wrongheaded governmental policies have destroyed many more. I think it's obvious that after 40 years of war on drugs, it has not worked. There should be decriminalization of drugs.
    Kofi Annan
    Ghanaian diplomat (1938 - 2018)
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  • Bernie Sanders Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the middle class of America.
    Bernie Sanders
    American politician (1941 - )
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  • John C. Maxwell Policies are many, Principles are few, Policies will change, Principles never do.
    John C. Maxwell
    American author, speaker, and pastor (1947 - )
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  • A. J. P. Taylor A master of improvised speech and improvised policies.
    A. J. P. Taylor
    British historian (1906 - 1990)
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  • Bill Moyers America's corporate and political elites now form a regime of their own and they're privatizing democracy. All the benefits - the tax cuts, policies and rewards flow in one direction: up.
    Bill Moyers
    American journalist (1934 - )
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  • Bob Rae As I grow older, I have had to discard some ideas and policies because they no longer make sense. This strikes me as entirely healthy. I would invite others to do the same.
    The Three Questions - Prosperity and the Public Good (1998) Preface, p. ix
    Bob Rae
    Canadian diplomat, lawyer and negotiator (1948 - )
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  • Bob Beauprez As state and federal lawmakers debate the country's energy policies and Colorado's role in the ever-expanding energy economy, let's hope they remember that unnecessary regulations stifle growth while doing nothing for public safety or health.
    Bob Beauprez
    American politician and member (1948 - )
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  • Bob Beauprez Barack Obama likes to point to General Motors as the poster child for the job creation success of his economic policies. However, whatever your sentiments about the government's bailout of General Motors, for every job Barack Obama 'saved-or-created' in the U.S. there were two jobs off shore.
    Bob Beauprez
    American politician and member (1948 - )
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  • Bob Ney Before we move forward with new efforts to lower the barriers to international free trade, we must review the consequences of the policies of the past and address the problems of the present.
    Bob Ney
    American politician (1954 - )
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  • Adam Schiff But even race-neutral policies and recruitment efforts designed to achieve greater diversity are, in the end, not race neutral.
    Adam Schiff
    American lawyer and politician (1960 - )
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  • Bill Frist Congress should be forward thinking in the policies we set, instead of waiting until catastrophe looms.
    Bill Frist
    American physician, businessman and politician (1952 - )
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  • Bill Kristol Conservative policies have on the whole worked - insofar as any set of policies can be said to 'work' in the real world. Conservatives of the Reagan-Bush-Gingrich-Bush years have a fair amount to be proud of.
    Bill Kristol
    American political analyst (1952 - )
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  • Buzz Aldrin Going back to the moon is not visionary in restoring space leadership for America. Like its Apollo predecessor, it will prove to be a dead end littered with broken spacecraft, broken dreams and broken policies.
    Buzz Aldrin
    American former astronaut, engineer and fighter (1930 - )
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  • Bill Shuster Government spending is being restrained, the economy is making progress and moving forward, and the pro-growth, tax cutting policies put in place have allowed businesses to grow, which has brought in additional tax revenue to help pay off the debt.
    Bill Shuster
    American politician and lobbyist (1961 - )
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  • Bram Fischer If in my fight I can encourage even some people to understand and to abandon policies they now so blindly follow, I shall not regret any punishment I may incur.
    Bram Fischer
    South African lawyer and anti-apartheid activist (1908 - 1975)
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  • Carl Levin If they understand, which I believe they really are sensing, that the alternative the Republicans have been offering is to repeal what we've done, to go back to Bush policies - and if you asked the public what would you prefer, Bush economic policies or Obama economic policies, they take and prefer Obama economic policies.
    Carl Levin
    American attorney (1934 - )
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  • Boris Johnson If we get outside the EU, if we leave the EU system, we will be relieved of a huge amount of unnecessary regulation that is holding this country back. We will be able to set our own priorities, make our own laws and set our own tax policies to suit the needs of this country. We have a huge opportunity also to make people's votes count for more.
    Boris Johnson
    British politician and author (1964 - )
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  • Benazir Bhutto In 1988, when democracy was restored, the military establishment was still very powerful. The extremist groups were still there. And when the aid and assistance to Pakistan was cut, we had to adopt harsh economic policies. So in a way, it showed that democracy doesn't pay, and the military was able to reassert itself.
    Benazir Bhutto
    Pakistani politician (1953 - 2007)
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