Quotes with posing

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  • Bill Nye History is but the record of the public and official acts of human beings. It is our object, therefore, to humanize our history and deal with people past and present; people who ate and possibly drank; people who were born, flourished and died; not grave tragedians, posing perpetually for their photographs.
    Bill Nye
    American science communicator, television presenter (1955 - )
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  • Bill Kreutzmann I've gone through guys who want to lay on their backs and play like they're full of themselves. You know, I don't care about posing. I mean look at me, do I care about posing?
    Bill Kreutzmann
    American drummer (1946 - )
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  • Fanny Brice Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?
    Fanny Brice
    American comedienne and singer (1891 - 1951)
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  • Billy Corgan Most people are living lives of sort of survival. And constantly posing an existential crisis, either through fantasy or oblivion, really has been pretty much explored in rock and roll. At least in the western version of rock n' roll.
    Billy Corgan
    American musician, singer and songwriter (1967 - )
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  • Adrian Edmondson On stage, we just want to generate hysteria. We don't care about looking cool or posing.
    Adrian Edmondson
    British actor (1957 - )
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  • Carlos Gershenson Philosophers get paid for posing interesting questions; scientists for answering them. Thus, one cannot live without the other...
    Source: Design and Control of Self-organizing Systems (2007)
    Carlos Gershenson
    Mexican author and academic (1978 - )
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  • Carey Mulligan Posing on the red carpet feels like you're selling something that has nothing to do with you. If you do it with someone else, it's like we're saying, 'Oh! We come as a pair! Would you like to buy both of us? We're available for weddings and Bar Mitzvahs!
    Carey Mulligan
    English actress (1985 - )
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  • Carey Mulligan Posing on the red carpet feels like you're selling something that has nothing to do with you. If you do it with someone else, it's like we're saying, 'Oh! We come as a pair! Would you like to buy both of us? We're available for weddings and Bar Mitzvahs!'
    Carey Mulligan
    English actress (1985 - )
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  • Benjamin Netanyahu The Israeli government has proved over the past year its commitment to peace, both in words and deeds. By contrast, the Palestinians are posing preconditions for renewing the diplomatic process in a way they have not done over the course of 16 years.
    Benjamin Netanyahu
    Israeli politician (2009 - )
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  • Amy Goodman War coverage should be more than a parade of retired generals and retired government flacks posing as reporters.
    Amy Goodman
    American broadcast journalist, columnist and author (1957 - )
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