Quotes 1 till 20 of 23.
Although my art work was heavily informed by my design work on a formal and visual level, as regards meaning and content the two practices parted ways.
Before Enron, I think people were a bit more naive about the way things worked, and I think Enron pulled the curtain back on unsavoury practices that turned out to be a lot more widespread.
Beneficence is a duty. He who frequently practices it, and sees his benevolent intentions realized, at length comes really to love him to whom he has done good.
Call it a case of observer bias on my part, but Humanist Paganism seems to be an emerging option for those who want to be part of the Pagan community, but who want to be a little more intellectual about their practices, and they really don't care about the 'woo' anymore.
However, as a parent, as a grandparent, as a former educator, I know that these practices alone when we are dealing with young children are insufficient. We will never control this rising epidemic without greater accountability from the food industry.
I have heard some say... that such [homosexual] practices are allowed in France and in other NATO countries. We are not French, and we are not other nationals. We are British, thank God!
Speech in House of Lords, 24 May 1965 -
I seek through comprehensive anticipatory design science and its reductions to physical practices to reform the environment instead of trying to reform humans, being intent thereby to accomplish prototyped capabilities of doing more with less...
Richard Buckminster Fuller
American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, and inventor (1895 - 1983) -
I'm always staying motivated because, as training camp goes on, practices become more intense, harder, and shorter. It's a mental thing, too, not only physical - you have to stay mentally sharp and stay focused on the task in front of you.
Many people profess Christianity. Very few live it-almost none. And when you live it people may think you're crazy. It has been truthfully said that the world is equally shocked by one who repudiates Christianity as by one who practices it.
Many social practices essential to the welfare of the species involve the control of one person by another, and no one can suppress them who has any concern for human achievements.
My son is in a band, and he's a singer, and his vocals... they're screaming-growling stuff... and he's got a pretty reasonable voice. Yet he practices really hard to get the screaming-growling thing without losing that voice every five minutes. So I'm, like, 'Hats off to you.'
Overcrowding can be corrected only by inducing people not to crowd, and the environment will continue to deteriorate until polluting practices are abandoned.
Political organizations have slowly substituted themselves for the Churches as the places for believing practices. Politics has once again become religious.
Synergies are not only about cost reduction. Synergies can be access to markets, exchange of products, avoiding overlaps, exchange of best practices.
The emphasis on innovation and technology in our companies has resulted in a few of them establishing global benchmarks in product design and development, manufacturing practices and human resource capabilities. However, there is no room for complacency.
The environment will continue to deteriorate until pollution practices are abandoned.
The head learns new things, but the heart forever practices old experiences.
The only way to be true to our American tradition is to maintain absolute governmental neutrality regarding religious beliefs and practices.
There are certain things in ancient practices that are not worth adhering to.
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