Quotes with prairies

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  • Buffalo Bill I felt only as a man can feel who is roaming over the prairies of the far West, well armed, and mounted on a fleet and gallant steed.
    Source: The life of Buffalo Bill
    Buffalo Bill
    American soldier, bison hunter, and showman (1846 - 1917)
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  • Buffalo Bill My wife was delighted with the home I had given her amid the prairies of the far west.
    Buffalo Bill
    American soldier, bison hunter, and showman (1846 - 1917)
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  • Edward Dahlberg We are always talking about being together, and yet whatever we invent destroys the family, and makes us wild, touchless beasts feeding on technicolor prairies and rivers.
    Edward Dahlberg
    American novelist, essayist and autobiographer (1900 - 1977)
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