Quotes with pre-judged

Quotes 21 till 40 of 71.

  • Martin Luther King I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
    Martin Luther King
    American preacher (1929 - 1968)
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  • Umberto Eco I think a book should be judged 10 years later, after reading and re-reading it.
    Umberto Eco
    Italian writer and critic (1932 - 2016)
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  • Oliver Wendell Holmes I think that, as life is action and passion, it is required of a man that he should share the passion and action of his time at peril of being judged not to have lived.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes
    American writer and poet (1809 - 1894)
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  • Anne Perry I wonder how often in the past I may have missed the good in people because I pre-judged, based on the differences?
    Anne Perry
    English author (1938 - )
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  • Boris Johnson If we judged everybody by the stupid, unguarded things they blurt out to their nearest and dearest, then we wouldn't ever get anywhere.
    Boris Johnson
    British politician and author (1964 - )
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  • Ben Shapiro In order for Obamacare's cost structure to work, millions of Americans must sign up to pay inflated prices; that would help pay for the subsidies to cover insurance company costs on those with pre-existing conditions.
    Ben Shapiro
    American conservative political commentator and attorney (1984 - )
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  • Ben Hecht In pre-movie days, the business of peddling lies about life was spotty and unorganized. It was carried on by the cheaper magazines, dime novels, the hinterland preachers and whooping politicians.
    Ben Hecht
    American writer, playwright (1894 - 1964)
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  • St. John of the Cross In the evening of life, we will be judged on love alone.
    St. John of the Cross
    Spanish mystic, a Roman Catholic saint, a Carmelite friar and a priest (1542 - 1591)
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  • Richard Buckminster Fuller Integrity of the individual is what we're being judged for and if we are not passing that examination, we don't really have the guts, we'll blow ourselves up. It will be all over. I think it's all the difference in the world.
    Source: Only Integrity is Going to Count (1983)
    Richard Buckminster Fuller
    American architect, systems theorist, author, designer, and inventor (1895 - 1983)
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  • Oliver Wendell Holmes Life is action and passion; therefore, it is required of a man that he should share the passion and action of the time, at peril of being judged not to have lived.
    Oliver Wendell Holmes
    American writer and poet (1809 - 1894)
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  • Bainbridge Colby Like pictures, men should be judged by their merits and not by their defects.
    Bainbridge Colby
    American politician and attorney (1869 - 1950)
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  • Douglas Jerrold Marriage is like wine. It is not be properly judged until the second glass.
    Douglas Jerrold
    English journalist and playwright (1803 - 1857)
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  • Adela Florence Nicolson Men should be judged not by their tint of skin, the gods they serve, the vintage they drink, nor by the way they fight, or love, or sin, but by the quality of the thought they think.
    Adela Florence Nicolson
    English poet
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  • James Thurber My drawings have been described as pre-internationalist, meaning that they were finished before the ideas for them had occurred to me. I shall not argue the point.
    James Thurber
    American cartoonist (1894 - 1961)
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  • Betsy Brandt My son is pre-K and my daughter is in elementary school. So they don't watch the show. But my son knows that I'm on it - he says that 'Breaking Bad' is his favorite show even though he's never seen it. It's really great that he says that, because it makes me look like mother of the year.
    Betsy Brandt
    American actress (1973 - )
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  • Nelson Mandela No one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails. A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens but its lowest ones.
    Source: Long Walk to Freedom (1995)
    Nelson Mandela
    South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and political leader (1918 - 2013)
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  • Avi Arad On the first movie we got good reviews, but we were still dealing with genre stuff. It's going away. Judge the movie - is it a good one or a bad one? We know we made a great movie and it's being judged for just being a good film.
    Avi Arad
    Israeli-American businessman (1948 - )
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  • Max Weber One can say that three pre-eminent qualities are decisive for the politician: passion, a feeling of responsibility, and a sense of proportion.
    Max Weber
    German economist, historian and sociologist (1864 - 1920)
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  • Oscar Wilde One's past is what one is. It is the only way by which people should be judged.
    Oscar Wilde
    Irish writer (1854 - 1900)
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  • Carolyn McCarthy Our pre-9/11 gun laws allow our enemies in the War on Terror to arm themselves right here in our own country.
    Carolyn McCarthy
    American nurse and politician (1944 - )
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